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I felt stupid for ever thinking my office was nice.
I felt embarrassed that he saw my sorry excuse for an office.

The view of the city was beautiful. He has a silver plush carpet and a small desk next to the window. But, I tried not to stare. I didn't want him to know I was a little impressed, I didn't even want to believe it myself.

"Who's your interior designer?" I asked as he led me to a velvet burgundy couch.
"Designed it myself." I looked at him and he was proudly smiling.
"Nice." I sat on the couch and he sat on a white chair across from me

"So, my Queen," he crossed his legs, "are you hungry?"
"No." I replied. I was starving. But I don't need him to buy me dinner. I'll cook when I get home.

"Well alright."
"Alright," I said sarcastically as I looked around.

"So, tell me about yourself, future Mrs. Amini."
I laughed, "Seriously Ray?!" He grinned and winked at me as he folded his hands in his lap.

"Whatever...anyways my name is Monroe Jackson. I grew up doing everything on my own. I wrote my first book in the fourth grade. Started my first business at age 20. I built all of this on my own. My parents didn't do this for me, I did this for me. I went to college to get my degrees. I WORKED for this."

"I get it," he said nodding his head, "I understand what you're trying to say."
I rolled my eyes at him. I hate the fact that people have to work their asses off to even get close to my level, then people like Raheem Amini just walk themselves right into ultimate wealth.

"Wanna know about me?" He asked.
"Lemme guess," I said as I stood up, "Raheem Amini. Grew up in a wealthy family. Got everything he ever wanted. He's seen the world and never had to work a day in his life."

Ray chuckled.
"I wish!" He smiled, "please sit down."
I slowly sat down, ready for the bullshit he was about to say.

"Raheem Amini is my full name. I grew up wealthy, you're right. And you're also right to say I got every THING I wanted. But I never got everything I wanted."

"What do you mean?" I asked. He sighed.
"My father was and still is always busy. Even though he's dying now, I never really knew him. My mother either for that fact. My nanny raised me. I always secretly hoped she was my real mother...she's always there for me. My parents were always leaving to travel and leaving me at home for meetings. They would just leave me...Buy me something then literally tell me to go away. My nanny is the only one who really loves me. Yeah I never got to work or go to school. I was forced to have rich friends that I never liked. I usually would just stay in my room alone...at every single one of our houses.
Anyways..now I'm supposed to run a billion dollar industry...that's my life."

"Oh I didn't know, Ray," I spoke softly. He smiled.
"Nobody knows."

"Well at least you had things," I said, "I never got everything I wanted."

He shook his head, "What's the value of a thing?"

"What's the value of your mother's love for you? How much is that?!" He stood up and walked away from me. I stood and tried to think of something to say. But the silence in the room was heavy.

He was still facing the wall on the other side of the room, "I wanted to be with you...because I know about you. I knew you grew up unprivileged. I knew you worked to get where you are." Ray turned and looked at me with a blank face. I stayed silent. "So, I was sure that you would be down to earth."

"I am!" I argued.
"You are indeed," he agreed as he began to walk towards me. "But, I thought...you would value the smaller things in life more. Because you had the smaller things.." I sighed.

"I do value those things, Ray," I said. He walked closer to me and I could feel his breath on me.
"Are you sure?" I thought for a second. He's never been around a real family, and I have the best family in the world.

"You know, in a few days we're having a cookout at my grandma's house. You should come!" I smiled at him, debating if that was a stupid idea or not.

"Who's gonna be there?" He asked.
"My grandma, grandad, parents, uncles and aunts, cousins, siblings, nephews-"
"Woah, you have all that?!" He was grinning ear to ear.

"Well..yeah!" I said. He looked out of his window smiling.
"I-I can really come?"
"Of course!" He suddenly picked me up and hugged me tight. I couldn't stop the giggle from coming out of my mouth.


He put me down and grabbed my hand, bringing me to the door. After going through the body guard procedure, we got back in the limo. He sat next to me still smiling from his invitation.

"So, what's a cookout?" He asked.

"Seriously?" I couldn't believe it.
"Yeah seriously!" He kissed my cheek and put his arm around me. I laughed waiting for him to laugh with me, it never happened.
He was serious.

"You know, family gets together, Uncle makes ribs, hot dogs, and burgers on the grill."

"I've never had a burger."
"HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?!" We laughed.
"I mean, I've heard of them and seen them. But we don't eat them in my home."
"I can't wait for you to try one!"

I realized I was smiling more than I ever have, unless I'm with my friends of course. I was actually happy with him. But, there's no way I'm gonna sleep with him. Especially when I haven't even known him that long.

We arrived in the parking lot of my apartment building.
"How did you know I lived here?" I asked. He laughed and kissed my lips softly. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it. I rose my hand to put it on him, then stopped immediately feeling insecure as I brought it back down. He suddenly pulled my hand back up and put it behind his neck. I pressed his neck closer to me as he kissed me more intensely, licking my lip asking for entrance. I parted my lips and he slowly brought his tongue into my mouth, finding mine. We kissed for what felt like hours. He brought himself away from me and smirked.

"Wow, Miss. Jackson," he said as he licked his lips, "you didn't want anything to do with me earlier today, now did you?" The way he was talking to me turned me on instantly. I shook my head while smiling at him. He chuckled.

"You should show me your apartment."

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