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"YOU GUYS ARE SO DAMN CUTE!" Tina yelled as we both sat on the couch. Ray grabbed my hand and smiled.
"We're not dating!" I yelled. I immediately noticed Ray's hand was shaking. I looked up at him concerned.

"Are you okay?" I mouthed to him. He inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"I made grits, eggs, toast, bacon, and sausage!" Jess yelled as she took off her apron.

"He tried grits for the first time last night!" I announced. They all laughed.
"You never had grits before?!" Tina asked. He smiled and shook his head.
"Wait until you try my greens!" She yelled. My stomach started growling.

"Come eat!" Jess yelled.
"I'm not hungry," Ray said as he stood up. I stood up and walked him to the door.

"Are you okay?" I asked him once we were out of their sight.
"Yeah," he muttered, "I just get nervous sometimes."
"Awwww." I reached up and pinched his cheeks. He leaned into me and kissed me.

He slowly wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. I was starting to fall for him.
He's perfect.
He broke our kiss and leaned his forehead against mine.

"I l-," he breathed out and closed his eyes, "I'll see you later. We have a meeting in your office, remember?" He whispered. I couldn't ignore the sentence that he originally started.

"Yeah I remember,"I smiled. He suddenly opened his eyes and started laughing.
"Are you okay?" I asked giggling nervously. I had no clue what was going on. He suddenly pulled me into him, my face on his chest.

"Monroe Jackson, I think I love you!" He yelled.
"What?!" I yelled. I was smiling but I was confused. Where did this come from? I could see the excitement in his face.

"I don't know!" He yelled as he grabbed my face and kissed me, "this feeling is so...so...REAL!" He hugged himself and walked outside.

"I'M IN LOVE WITH MONROE JACKSON!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.
"What are you doing!" I yelled. I could hear my friends running towards me.

He grabbed me and swooped me up bridal style.
"I love you," we mumbled as he kissed me again. I giggled.

"You're so weird!" He put me down and began to walk back to his Mercedes.

"SEE YOU LATER MY LOVE!" He yelled as the driver closed he door.

"What the fuck was that?" Ash asked.

"The boy's in love," Tina chimed in.

They all looked at me.
"You're gonna be a billionaire!" Ash yelled as she started jumping around.

"Shutup!" I yelled as we all laughed and walked inside.


"Sooo what happened?!" Tina asked as we all sat around the table to eat.
"Wellll," I teased as they all leaned in, "he picked me up in his limo after work-"

"Oh my gosh, a limo?!" Ash yelled.

"A Bentley Limousine," I bragged.
"Ooooo," they all chimed in.
"GUUURL did you fuck him in that limo?!" Jess yelled.

"No!" I laughed as I finished my food, "anyways, he told me about his childhood and that his nanny basically raised him."
"Awww poor baby," Tina whined.

"He made this bet with me that within these seven days he's gonna sleep with me." I grabbed my purse. 

"What?" Ash asked.

"He drove me here. Can someone take me to work?" they all smirked at me.
"Better call your man," Jess mumbled.


I reached into my purse to search for the paper he gave me with his address and number on it when I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"ROE GET THE DOOR!" Ash yelled.
"I opened it and a man was standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets. He had his dark brown hair cut short and had light skin. I assumed he was mixed. His bright blue eyes looked up and down my body.

"Can I help you?" I asked sweetly.
"Umm.. I have a house a few doors down. I saw a bunch of black Mercedes' pull up here earlier and I was just wondering what was going on," he smiled and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Denzel!" He stretched out his hand to me. I looked at it. "Th-That's my name. It's Denzel."
"Oh!" I giggled, "I'm Monroe." He blushed and looked at the ground.

"I was just about to go and- Actually do you have a car?" I asked him. He could take me to work.

"I'm a grown man," he laughed, "of course I have a car."
"How old are you?" I questioned. He laughed.
"Umm...I'm thirty, I'm just short."
"You're not short!" We laughed and I brought him inside.

"Guys this Denzel!" I yelled.
"Haaaaay Denzel!" Tina yelled and waved viciously.
"Dude stop you're gonna scare him!" Tina whispered as she slapped her arm down.
"Nice to meet you Denzel, I've seen you...around," she said as she sipped her tea.

"So would you mind taking me to my job?" I asked him.
"Sure!" I grabbed my purse, "well I mean like...I'll take you...I don't mind."

He's so adorable.

"Bye ladies!" I waved and walked out of the house as Denzel followed.

I was met with a black and red Audi A8. He opened the door for me and a slid inside. It smelled new and "Parker," was printed on the seats.

Denzel Parker...

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