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"Uh-I-Oh I'm sorry!" I spat out nervously. I could hear him chuckling over the phone.
"It's fine." He said. He had a smooth, sexy voice. Over the phone, at least.

"So, uh," I brought out my notepad and a pen, "what would you like to discus?" I asked.
"Okay," I waited for him to finish his sentence, but it seemed like that was it.

"What about art?" I asked. I waited for him to reply. After a few minutes he was still completely silent.

"Hello?" I asked.
"Did you hear me?"
"What-" I stopped to think. I can tell this guy is gonna be hard to get through to. "What would you like to do for my charity?"
"Dude!" I yelled.
Calm down Monroe.

"Yes?" He asked.
"Listen," I put my notepad down, realizing it would be useless. "Do you have a studio or somewhere I could meet you?"
"Okay cool!" I brought out my phone to put in the address. I waited for him to tell me...nothing. "Umm...what's the address?"
"Warner." Is he serious?
"Is that a street?" I asked, trying to keep my patience.
"Yes. The black house at the end."
"Okay, should I come now?"
"Yes." I logged off of my computer.
"I'm on my way!" Suddenly the phone hung up.


"I'm out for the day!" I yelled to my secretary as I left the office .

I walked off of the elevator and luckily my driver was here.
"Do you know where Warren is?" I asked the driver.
"The street?" He replied.
"Yes, take me there to the black house at the end"
"You got it!" The car started moving and I instantly fell asleep.

"You okay baby?" Ray asked as I leaned against the headboard.
"Yes honey!" He kissed my lips then looked down.

"You okay?" He asked my baby bump.
"Yes daddy," I whispered for the baby. We both laughed as we kissed again.

"I love you," I said as he kissed my cheek.
"I love you too."

"We're here!" The driver yelled. My eyes popped open and I looked out of the window. We were at a small black square house at the end of a street. It was odd.

I walked out of the car and slowly walked to the door. I looked around and noticed the lawn was perfect. Green grass and flowers leading to the doorway.
I walked up a stair which led to the front door. I noticed a yellow note on the door.
"Come in Monroe." It read.

I'm scared but this is professional Monroe. Just walk inside.

I opened the door to find a dark, blandly decorated house. All of the furniture was white and so was the carpet. There was only one couch which had a shelf of books in front of it. I saw another yellow note on the wall near the bookcase.
"There's food in the kitchen you can eat."

There's no way in hell I'm eating your food Meka Lani, nice try.

I slowly walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. It was full of vegetables and jugs of water. I sighed as I sat at the counter.
I noticed there was a dark staircase that led to another set of stairs that turns left.
I then noticed the dark figure sitting at the top of the first set of stairs.

A man sitting there, with his knees pulled to his chest. His arms wrapped around his knees, staring at me with dark, creepy eyes. His hair was in a huge Afro.
I immediately screamed.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled as I stood up, heart still pounding.
"Did I scare you?" He asked.
"MEKA?!" I yelled. That couldn't be him. That was definitely a ghost.

"Yes?" He asked calmly.
"WHAT THE-" he suddenly stood up and walked down the stairs. He was wearing a black hoodie and black jeans with black converses. He was the skinniest man I've ever seen in my life. 

"Sit." He walked over to the counter and pulled out a stool. His black, curly hair covered his face. I slowly walked over and sat in the chair.
This guy is seriously insane.

He walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a grocery bag of celery. He pulled out one piece and handed it to me. His dark eyes were piercing through my soul.
"Here." He said.

"Can I be honest with you?" I spat out.
"Yes." He put back the celery.
"You're seriously scaring me." He paused and looked at me. I couldn't bare to look into his eyes so I looked away.

"Come." He began to walk towards a door next to the staircase. I followed behind him, holding on to my purse.

I always keep mace with me.

His basement was unfurnished. It was a long cement hallway with a single door at the end. There was only one light and smelled like rust.
"Meka?" I asked. He didn't reply as he continued to talk towards the door.

He put his hand on the doorknob then looked back at me.
"Calm down," he commanded. I took a deep breath and put my hands behind my back.

He opened to door and ushered me inside. It was pitch black and he suddenly closed the door.

Oh God.
He could literally kill me in here and nobody could ever find out, or hear me screaming. I don't even know this man! How could I be so st-"

Suddenly the light flickered on and I was in the living room of a colorful house. There was green and blue couches that faced a large flat screened television. I instantly felt warm.
"Come." He walked in front of me. I followed him down another hall into a room with a wooden door. When I walked inside I was astonished.

There was artwork of wildlife, portraits, landscape, and objects. The room was large and had light brown wooden floors with cream colored walls."Wow," I breathed out as I walked to the middle of the room. I looked back at him and he was staring at me with a poker face. He seemed afraid of me.

"These are amazing!" I yelled as I walked back to him. He didn't say anything.
"You painted them right?" I asked. He nodded his head. "You're talented Mr. Lani." I gave him a soft smile. He suddenly walked out of the room.
After a few seconds he returned with a stool and a backpack.

He set the stool down then ran to the corner of the room and grabbed a large canvas with an easel.

He brought the easel in front of the stool then sat back down. He quickly reached into his backpack and pulled out a few black pencils.
"What are you do-"
"DON'T MOVE!" He yelled. I tried to stay still as possible. Even though I was extremely uncomfortable.

He started at me for what felt like seven years then suddenly closed his eyes.
"Okay," he whispered to himself, "okay, okay, okay, okay, okay..."

He continued to say 'okay' as I looked around. I noticed a painting in the corner of the room. It was of a woman holding the earth. She looked stunning. He painted her perfectly, accenting her curves and natural hair.

Suddenly he stopped talking to himself and I heard him begin to draw his pencil around the canvas. He was staring at the drawing intensely, as if there was nothing else in the world. His messy curls covered his face but it didn't bother him.

I looked back at the painting of the woman. It was quite beautiful. She was...SHE WAS-

"DO NOT LOOK AT THAT!" Meka screamed at me. He startled me and I fell backwards. "Don't look over there at all!" He yelled.
"Y-you don't h-have to be mean," I whispered. He started to shake his head gently.
"I'm sorry." He dropped his pencil and wrapped his arms around himself, "so sorry, so sorry, so sorry, so sorry..."

I looked back at the woman holding the earth...
"STOP!" He yelled. I giggled. "NOT FUNNY!"

The woman was me.

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