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"This is beautiful," Ray said as we walked into my loft.
"Thank you," I put my bags down on my counter.

He looked around at my furniture then took off his jacket. His shirt was tight against his muscles. He looks so short and skinny in the pictures online. I never would've known he was so tall and strong. Every movement he made his biceps flexed and his shirt seemed to get tighter and tighter.

"Miss. Jackson?" He asked. I came back to reality and noticed he was smirking at me.
"Are you undressing me with your eyes?"

I felt embarrassed and pretty much sprinted to my kitchen and took off my heels. If my skin was a lighter, my face would be red as a tomato. Luckily, I can't blush.

"Hungry?" I asked.
"You said you weren't hungry back at my office," he replied as he sat on a stool at my counter.
"Yeah...but now I am!" I smiled and opened my refrigerator. He laughed.

"You're so cute," he said. I looked back and he was smiling at me. His smile was so perfect. His teeth perfectly white. They matched his skin and his squinted dark eyes. I began to stutter when I finally realized how sexy he was.
"Are you okay Monroe?" He tilted his head.

"Uhhh I can make shrimp and grits!" I spat out.

"What?" He asked.
"Shrimp and Grits." I pulled my box of grits out of my cabinet.
"What the hell is a Grit?"
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I yelled. I make the best grits in Cleveland. Ask anybody! But, I guess a lot of people don't eat grits.

"I've seriously have never heard of a grit," he chuckled.
"Not 'a grit', they're grits!"
"Grits?" He asked. I sighed and started my boiling water for the grits. I pulled out my shrimp and sat them in the microwave to defrost.
"So what do you eat?" I asked him.
"Well as a boy I loved Manakeesh," he licked his lips and closed his eyes, "I haven't had that in years. But now I'll say my favorite food is Choreg."
I rose an eyebrow at him.

"I don't expect you to know what that is," he chuckled, "But you've gotta try Baklava Cheesecake."
"Well I do love cheesecake," I smiled and went to take the shrimp out of the microwave. I brought out a pan to cook them on then poured the grits into the pot of water. I added seasoning to the shrimp and put butter in the pot of grits as I stirred them.

"Woah, that's a lot of butter," I looked back and he seemed concerned.
"That's just how much you add in the beginning," I laughed and continued to stir.
"Okaaay," he mumbled. I stirred the grits making sure there were no clumps as I added salt, then flipped the shrimp over, shaking the pot.

"Your ass jiggles when you stir," he said. I turned around and noticed he was staring intensely at my ass.
"Stop staring or you're gonna get clumpy grits!" I yelled. He looked confused.

I finished my grits and took the shrimp off of the pan.
"Well it smells good," he said as he stood up. He walked up behind me and put his hands on my hips as I turned off my stove. I took a shrimp and dipped it in the grits then held it up to him.
He moved his hands from my hips to my hand and took the shrimp.

"It's hot," I warned as I turned around to get plates. I could hear him eating the shrimp, I was afraid to see his reaction because there was still a chance he wouldn't like it.

"Woah," he whispered. I looked at him and he was licking his fingers. "That's a lot of...flavor." He whispered. I laughed and gave him a plate. He put nearly all of the grits and shrimp on it.

"Save me some!" I yelled.
"Oh, I forgot you were here," he chuckled and walked over to the counter.

We ate as we talked about him. He told me more about how hard it was to grow up on camera. There were always false stories about him and his family. I remembered how a few years ago a story was out that his Dad had several mistresses. Ray told me that it was true, and he doesn't even remember a time when his father didn't have another woman in the house. But, the media never reported how his mother had men in and out of the house too.

We finished eating and I washed our plates.

"So you wanna do this now?" He asked as he stood up. I looked at him and he was smiling seductively.
"Do what?" I asked as I laughed.
"Sleep with me, Monroe." He walked towards me as I backed away.

"You're not about to back me into a wall!" I yelled as I held him back. He slowly removed his ponytail from his hair. Suddenly long straight black hair flowed all over his shoulders down to the middle of his stomach.

"Woah," I whispered. His hair was beyond gorgeous. He began to unbutton his shirt revealing his six pack. He lifted me up with one hand and sat me on the counter.

"Sleep with me," he said again.
"I'm not sleeping with you," I demanded. I was serious, there's no way I'm sleeping with him. Especially after one date.
He began to kiss my neck and suck on it. A moan came out of my mouth, making him bite and suck harder.

"Ray," I mumbled, "you're really nice and I think I actually do like you." He stopped and placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Then sleep with me," he whispered.

"No. I have standards, Ray." He chuckled softly and slowly took two steps away from me.

"Standards?" He asked. He looked at my body as I was sitting on the counter with my legs open, skirt scrunched up.
"Yes," I said surely. He took his shirt all the way off. His body was perfect. Not too big yet his muscles were defined.

He walked between my legs, grabbing my thighs.
"Remember what I said?" He asked as he looked my in my eyes.
"I will have you, and saying you love me, within the next seven days."

"Oh please!" I laughed as I tried to hop off of the counter. He wasn't letting me move.
"So you think this is a game?" He asked as he smirked.
"It is a game." I put my hands behind me on the counter and leaned on them.

He laughed and leaned into my neck.
"Seven days Monroe," he mumbled quietly as he started to kiss and bite my shoulder."
"I. Am. Not. Sleeping with you!" I yelled.

He backed away and put back on his shirt and suit jacket. I watched him get dressed. He was sexy, but I'm not that easy.

"Seven Days, Mrs. Amini!"
"Bye Raheem!" I yelled. He closed the door and I laid back on the counter with a sigh.

This man will be the death of me.

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