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Ray carried me into his dimly lit bedroom and gently laid me on my back.

"I'll be slow with you baby," he kissed my forehead softly, "I'm gonna take care of you."
"I'm just nervous," I whispered.

Ray stood up and took off his suit jacket, then unbuttoned his shirt. He unbuckled his belt and his pants dropped down, revealing a large bulge in his boxers.

"Oh my gosh," I whispered.
"What?" He asked while he climbed over me, "you've seen it before."

"I know but...this time it's different."
"I know," he whispered. He kissed down my neck then brought my nipple into his mouth. I moaned while he bit and licked around it. Everything felt so good but I was still extremely nervous.

He released my bud then kissed down my stomach.

"I want you to relax, Mrs. Amini." He lowered his face to my soaking wet panties then used his finger to move them aside.
I gasped anticipating his touch, causing him to chuckle.

"I see you relaxed," he joked.
"Shut up and eat my pussy."
"Ooo!" He said, "feisty." He slowly licked my clit, making my toes curl.

He continued to softly lick up and down my slit with his warm tongue, then slowly pulled down my panties. When he got them off, he grabbed my thighs and pulled my legs over his shoulders.
"Why do you taste so good!?" He asked then quickly began to flick his tongue on my clit.

"Ray!" I moaned.
He suddenly stopped.
"RAY!" I yelled.
"Don't cum yet, baby." He stood up and walked over to his nightstand. After pulling open a drawer, he opened a box of condoms.
He paused and looked at me.
"What?" I asked.

"It's just that.."
"That what?"
"I don't really wanna use these."
"What do you mean!?"
"I mean what I said!"
"You wanna have a baby!?"
"Well...I-I didn't say that!"
I sat up, "why don't you wanna use condoms, Ray?"

"I don't need them," he put the box back in the drawer, "I'll just pull out."
"But Ray!" He pulled off his boxers, revealing his hard member.
He chucked then climbed over me, and that's when it hit me.

I'm about to lose my virginity.

"Are you ready for this baby?" He whispered into my ear as he laid on top of me, positioning himself between my legs.
"I'm ready as I'll ever be." He kissed my neck then continued to suck on it. I closed my eyes and let the love flow between us. My legs rose and I hugged him, letting my fingers trace up and down his back.

"Monroe baby?" He whispered.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain tear through my body, causing me to scream at the top of my lungs. I started to hyperventilate and cry, unable to take the pain.

"Just breathe baby," he whispered. I started to shake and cry while squeezing him. "I'll stop for now, okay?"
"No, just keep going," I choked out.
"Are you sure?"
"Am I bleeding?" I asked.
"Just keep going."

He kissed my lips then started to slowly pull back while inside of me, then slowly glided back into me. It still hurt like hell but it wasn't as bad.
A quiet high pitched scream came out of my mouth, making Ray stop.
"Baby, we can stop."
"No, Ray."
"Just keep going."
The room was silent as he slowly continued to thrust in and out of me.
"Baby," Ray groaned.

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