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"Can we please just talk?"
"Monroe!" A tear fell from his eye and he dropped to his knees sobbing. What the hell?

"What Meka?!"
"Please let me explain!"


Meka and I sat on my couch as he told me about his childhood, and how his obsession with me began. I felt bad for him, but I still couldn't trust him.
"How'd you get in my house?" I asked.
He lowered his head in shame, "I snuck in but you and Ray were asleep."

"What would you have done if Ray was awake?!"
"I-I don't know."
"He would've killed you!"
"I'd just have to die then!" Tears began to roll from his face slowly.

"Meka, what did he do to you when you were at his house?" He froze then closed his eyes.
"He said I can't talk about it."
"Tell me."
"I don't want to talk about it!"

Meka's POV.

I shut my eyes as flashbacks began to flood my brain.
"Good morning Boys!" Ray yelled as he walked into the dark basement. I was chained to a chair along with two other men I had never seen before. One man was just added the other day. I didn't want all of this. I just wanted to be with the girl of my dreams.

"I SAID GOOD MORNING!" Ray reached for the whip he hangs from the wall.
"Good morning!" We all yelled in unison.

"Now, who wants their punishment first?!"
"Not me sir!" I yelled. Ray flicked on the lights and I turned to the new man who was just added. His face was a pool of blood and he was unconscious.

"Oh God," Will mumbled as he looked at the man.
"YOU WANT THAT?!" Ray asked Will.

"N-No sir!" Ray rose his whip at Will.
"Are you sure?!"
"NO SIR PLEASE!!!!" Ray began to whip Will across his face several times until he fell unconscious.

"Calling me a nigger," Ray mumbled, "called me a nigger and nobody did anything about it...Never loved me. The only woman that loved me was my nanny...then I find out she's my REAL MOTHER?!" Ray swung the whip again at Will's limp body.

"What happened, sir?" I asked hesitantly. He spun on his heels and faced me.

"Y-Yes I do," I muttered. He dropped the whip and smiled sinisterly at me.
"Oh really?" He asked.
I gulped, "w-well I never had friends. People always made fun of my hair and my skin. I was the only black person in my city."

"At least you knew your mom!" He yelled.
"N-no I didn't."
"I grew up in an orphanage." Ray sighed and began to pace the floor. "There are people who have it worse than you, sir."

"Oh shut up!" Ray yelled.
"It's true." He growled at me then began to walk up the stairs.

"BOYS!" He yelled.

No no no no no

Five men quickly entered the basement, passing Ray. Then all circled me then looked at each other.

"Please!" I begged , "please don't do this!"
Suddenly they all began to punch and kick my body. Bruising my legs and arms until skin ripped off. Slowly I fell unconscious.

"Meka! Meka honey!" I heard Monroe yell.

Monroe POV

Meka was on the floor shaking and I didn't know what to do. I laid over him and began to call his name.
"Meka! Meka Honey!!!" He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. Then he grabbed me and pulled me in to hug him.

"Please protect me," he begged, "I'm scared."
"Meka what are you afraid of?"
"Those men!"
"Ray's 'Boys'!!!"

I paused and thought about that. I've never really met them.
"Don't worry honey." I sat over him as I rubbed his forehead, "they won't hurt you."

He began to whine like a baby. I couldn't just leave him, but I couldn't let Ray see him. I brought Meka upstairs. He held my hand tightly as we entered my bedroom.

"Where are we going?" He asked innocently.
"We're just gonna chill in here until I figure stuff out." I sat on my bed and he laid next to me.
I brought out my phone to text my friends. I know they wouldn't mind taking him in.

"Can we watch cartoons?" He asked. I looked down at him and he was smiling. I laughed and grabbed the remote, turning it to Sponge Bob. "Yaaay!" He cheered as he started to clap his hands.

He's so cute.

I looked through my phone as Meka watched Sponge Bob. He knew every line on the show word for word.
"You watch this a lot?" I asked.
"Yes! It's my favorite!" I laughed and laid next to him. He laid on my chest, making me feel like his mother.

"Is this the Krusty Krab?!" Meka said along with the TV, "Nooo this is Patrick!"
I laughed as he recited the whole scene line for line.

He's like a child! It's adorable hearing him say every part of the TV show. He held my hand like I was his mommy too! He's so cu-

Meka grabbed my face and kissed me. He quickly climbed over me as his tongue explored my mouth. I tried to push him off of me but he out weighed me. He began to trail kisses down my neck.
"Meka stop!!" I yelled as I pushed his shoulders. He looked up at me with his same, dark eyes. How could I be so foolish to fall for this again?!

He quickly ripped off my sundress, exposing my black bra and panties.
"Meka don't rape me!" I held back tears, trying to remain strong.
"I won't." His voice was still child like.

"Please leave now," I begged, "I promise I won't tell anybody if you leave now."
"Not yet!" He yelled happily. He quickly pulled off my panties, leaving me exposed.

"Meka please stop!" I felt a tear start to leave my face. He stared into my soul, causing me to freeze. He blinked his black eyes then lowered his face to my bare pussy.
His tongue quickly invaded my folds. Licking up and down quickly like an animal.

I covered my face with my hands, "please stop!" I whined. He continued to lap my core then suddenly stopped.

"I won't stop until you cum," he stated before shoving his finger inside of me. He quickly pushed it in and out of me while roughly sucking my clit. There was pain, then there was pleasure that I hated. I tried to convince myself to like it so I could cum then he would stop, but it was hard.

I closed my eyes and imagined it was Ray...soon it started to feel good. I felt him lick and slurp on my core quickly while speeding up his finger.
"Cum!" He demanded. I felt the thrill take over my body as I exploded into an orgasm.
"RAY!" I moaned as the orgasm finished.

I was breathless and in bliss when I felt a smack across my face. Opening my eyes I saw Meka standing over me, I could feel his anger.
"WHY DID YOU SAY HIS NAME?!" He screamed.

"I MADE YOU CUM! NOT HIM! I DID!!!" I saw his black eyes start to flood with tears, "why won't you love me?" He mumbled. He dashed out of my apartment.

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