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He painted me!!

I suddenly heard light footsteps walk towards me. I looked to my right and Meka sat next to my face, knees pulled to his chest and arms wrapped around them.

He looked down at me. He had to have the darkest eyes I've ever seen, almost like they're black.

"Is that me?" I asked him. His eyes grew wide then he quickly hid his face into his knees.

He just changed from creepy as hell...to kind of adorable.

"Are you shy?" I whispered to him. He didn't move. I sat up and moved in front of him.
"Meka?" I whispered. He suddenly picked his head up and was only inches away from my face.

"You don't look Hawaiian." I smirked as I moved his curls out of his face, avoiding contact with his piercing black eyes.
"I'm from Hawaii." His voice was as smooth as it was on the phone. Not too deep, but not too high pitched.
"But you're not Hawaiian?" I asked.

"I'm black. But I'm from Hawaii. So what am I?" He asked.
"Hawaiian," I whispered.
"Exactly." He stood up and walked back to the easel.

"What are you drawing?" I asked him as I crossed my legs.
"Oh okay," I spoke happily. His voice is completely monotone.

I checked my phone.



I laughed. They're so dumb.

Me: do you guys know Meka Lani? He's an artist.


Me: yup.

Jess: *faints*

Denzel: Hey.

Me: hey what's up!

Denzel: I have a show tonight...you should come.

Oh my gosh a Denzel concert!!!

Me: can I bring my friends?

Denzel: yeah. I'll send you the tickets.


My phone suddenly beeped. New text.

Ray: you never answered me earlier.

Me: did you put your number in my phone??

Ray: indeed I did cupcake! Who was that guy this morning?!

Me: ugh he's an old friend. He's a singer now. His name is Denzel.

Ray: right...I will be doing research on him.

Me: go ahead!

Ray: where are you now?

I looked up at Meka and he was still sketching wildly at the canvas.

Me: I'm at a meeting with Meka Lani.

Ray: The artist?

Me: yea.

Ray: I've purchased a few of his pieces. Have fun at the meeting...if he tries anything I'll kill him :)

Me: lmao whatever!

"Who are you texting?" Meka asked. He was staring at me while holding the pencil. I could only bare to look at his eyes for a few seconds.
"Some friends." I put my phone back into my purse.

"Don't tell anyone about my house," he demanded.
"I won't." I stood up and walked towards him.

I stood behind him as he finished drawing. The drawing was of me standing in the room, looking at a drawing of me. It was gorgeous. He accented my hips and my hair.

He turned back and looked up at me.
"Like?" He asked.
"It's perfect!" I smiled and hugged him from behind. Wrapping my arms around his chest.

"What is this?" He asked in a low voice.
"What is this that you're doing?" He put his pencil down.

"I'm hugging you! Silly!" He suddenly shot up and stood in front of me. 
"Why did you do that?" He asked.
"Why did I do what?" He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
"Hug me."
"Because I wanted to!" I yelled.


"Whatever!" I stood up me grabbed my purse. I hadn't been rejected in so long. I walked out of his studio, making sure I swayed my hips. So he would know what he was missing out on.

"Monroe Jackson!" Meka called from behind me. I turned around.
"What?" He handed me the sketch he had made, then leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips.

Then he did it.
I saw him smile.

He didn't show any teeth, but the smile instantly lit up his face.

"I'll see you later." I began to walk out of the room when he ran in front of me. I suddenly remembered how weird his house is.

He walked me through the hallway then through the original black, square house.

"Bye Meka!" I waved to him as he quickly closed the door.

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