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I sighed. I never talk about the man who ruined my life.

"A guy from my high school."
"High school?" Ray asked as he put his arm around me and moved closer.
"Why does he make you cry?" He asked.
"Because...he always told me he cared about me or that he wanted to be with me. Then I'd go to his house and he'd just get what he wants from me."
"Why did you believe him?" He asked.
"He always told me he changed," I leaned into his arm, "I was just stupid."

Ray didn't say anything for a minute then the plane began to take off. As we were in the air excitement hit me. I haven't seen my family in so long.

"So," Ray laughed nervously, "where does this...'James' guy live exactly?" He asked with a forced smile.
"Why?" I asked.
"Well...just wondering!" We laughed and talked about pointless things as the plane for closer to Ohio.

"So," he said as he put his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, "tell me about your family."
"Okay!" I sat up excited, "Well...I don't know how many cousins I have but I have a lot. None of them are our age but a few years older. I have two brothers that probably won't give you too much trouble, neither will my Dad. I have three uncles, the two from my moms side are gonna bother you, but the other one shouldn't. My grandma and mom are gonna absolutely love you! My little cousins will too. This is gonna be so much fun!" I hugged him and he sighed.

"I'm so nervous!" He yelled as he smiled.
"Don't be!" I leaned my head up and kissed him. He instantly grabbed my head and began to kiss me back harder.
"You ever heard of the mile high club?" He asked. I gasped and hit his shoulder.

"Not on my plane!" I yelled as we both laughed.
"What about on my plane?" He asked in my ear.
"Go away from me!" I laughed and walked to the bathroom.
"FIVE DAYS MISS. JACKSON!" He yelled as I shut the door.

I looked in the mirror and made sure I looked perfect. Which I did, except for the...OH MY GOD.

I ran back to Ray and he was in his phone. I knocked the phone out of his hand and he looked up at me with his eyebrows scrunched together.
"Well, what the fuck," he said nonchalantly as he picked up his phone.
"Why didn't you tell me about the hickey I have on my neck?!" I yelled.
"I thought it was cute," he replied as he laughed and continued to type on his phone.
I grunted loudly and searched through my suitcase for something to cover my neck. I didn't bring any scarves but I found a nice container of concealer.

I ran back in the bathroom and covered the hickey nicely. It wasn't super dark anyways. I sat back in my seat as the plane started to land.

"Oh my God I'm so nervous!" Ray yelled. I noticed his hands we shaking and he was sweating.
"Calm down Ray!" I stood up and grabbed his hand to walk off of the plane.


We later arrived at a hotel in Downtown Cleveland into the presidential suite. I was unsure about sleeping in the same room as him, but I have my mace.

We set our bags down in the bedroom. And Ray plopped on the bed.
"Don't get too comfortable." I looked over at him and he was laid on his back, hair spilled all over the bed around him.

Should I tease him?

No Monroe, don't tease him.
But it would be fun...
No Monroe don't do him like that.
It would be funny though.
No girl, you wrong for even....
Oh, what the hell!

I ran over to the bed and straddled him. His eyes grew wide and I put my hands on his chest slowly drawing my nails up and down his body.
"W-what are you doing?" He spat out.
I began to bounce on him, slowly beginning to feel his manhood harden against my jeans.
"I wanna play!" I moaned as I continued to bounce on him.

"Well fuck!" He quickly took off his hoodie and I laid on him, kissing his neck softly as he grabbed my ass.
"What?" He whispered.
"This room came with an Xbox!" I hopped off of him and ran to the living room, "LETS PLAY!"

"I HATE YOU!" Ray yelled as I sat in the living room.
"Can we just go now?" He asked as he walked into the living room.
"Sure!" I jumped up happily.
"Wait-wait never mind!" I grabbed his hand and began to walk towards the door.
"Nooo you wanna go so bad!" I toyed.
"Wait please I'm not ready!" I pulled him outside and we walked into the elevator.

"Baby I'm so nervous," Ray whispered as the doors closed.
"Don't worry!" I wrapped my arms around him. He was seriously too nervous.
"Can I ask you something?" He asked.
"Why the hell did you do that to me back at the room?!" We laughed and walked out of the elevator holding hands.

A few people standing around looked at him and started whispering.
"Ignore it," he said in my ear.
"That's so weird," I mouthed to him. He laughed and we walked to the car I had rented.
It was a 2013 Ford Focus, so we could easily go around without people questioning our car.

Ray sat in the passenger seat.
"How long is it gonna take to get there?" He asked as he began to fiddle his thumbs.
"Probably a half an hour." His leg began to shake as he looked out of the window.

"Why are you so nervous?" I asked as we got on the highway.
"I've never even been around a real family."
"Well there's nothing to be scared about!" I grabbed his hand and noticed it was sweaty.
"I just-I just really wanna make a good impression on them. I don't want them to think I'm 'some spoiled rich kid'."

"Don't worry Ray, my family is gonna accept you."
We got off of the highway and drove closer to my grandmas house. I was full of excitement and Ray was full of fear.

Suddenly I heart a loud 'toot' sound.
"What was that?" I asked. Ray began to giggle wildly. I instantly started to smell the most horrid smell that has ever reached my nose.

"SERIOUSLY RAY?!" I yelled.
"Sorry I'm nervous!" He toyed. We began to laugh uncontrollably as I reached my Grandmas driveway.

"Well we're here!" I yelled as is quickly hopped out of the smelly car.
"Alright! I'll wait here!"
"Come on!" I yelled.

Suddenly my family began to run to the car.
"Monroe!" My grandma yelled.
"My baby!" My mom yelled as she hugged me.
"Awww," my uncle said, "you got so big!"

"This is Ray!" I announced as I pointed to the passenger side of the car. I noticed it was empty.
"Ray?" I called.

I looked to my left and Ray was in the street running away.

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