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We followed behind Denzel and his body guard, leading us to his trailer.

"Good Afternoon Mr. Parker," three women said in sync as he walked inside.
"Hey, this is Monroe." He pulled me in front of him. They all waved at me with fake smiles. "These are her three friends." Ash, Jess, and Tina ran inside of the trailer.

"Yall have food in here?!" Ash yelled looking around.
"Right this way," one of the woman whispered.

Denzel walked through a door learning to a styling room. Five people were in there surrounded by racks of clothing. He walked in and took off his shirt.

"Are you nervous?" I asked as I stood in the doorway.
"Not at all." He took off his pants while a lady give him a pair of black jeans to put on. "I've done this so many times I've lost count."

I smiled and watched him get dressed. He was wearing black jeans, white high top Air Forces, and an all white leather jacket with a white T-shirt under.

"What do you think?" He asked as he held his arms out and spun around.

"You look 'swagged out'," we laughed as a woman walked over and stood next to me. She had long blonde bar and blue eyes but had absolutely no figure.

"I think you need to stop bringing your hoes in here so we can get our work done faster," she stated.
"Hoe?!" I yelled.
"Yes, hoe!" She moved in closer to my face. I laughed loudly at her.

"Honey, I have three New York Times best selling Novels, law firms across the country, and I partly own several malls. I'm a millionaire, baby. Don't call me anything but that." I laughed at her and flipped my hair.

Denzel looked surprised and so did the woman.
"I'll be with my friends," I stated as a strutted away from them.

Am I a hoe? I was kissed by three different men today! But I didn't have sex with them.
That's right! I'm still a virgin!
I've never heard of a virginly hoe!
Therefor I am not a hoe.

I sat down on the couch next to my friends.
"Damn, you told her!" Ash yelled as she stuffed a taco into her face.
"Did I really?" I asked.
"Hell yeah girl!" Jess yelled as we highfived.

"But, you are kinda a hoe," Tina whispered.
"I've never heard of a virginly hoe!" I replied as I crossed my legs. We all laughed.

Suddenly A bodyguard, Denzel, and several other people walked out of the room. Denzel had on a dark pair of sunglasses.

That's when it hit me.

My friends started squealing when he grabbed my hand and pulled me next to him. A body guard grabbed my friends and they walked behind us.

When a guard opened the trailer door, hundreds of people were standing outside taking pictures. All I could see were bright flashes and they hurt my eyes. I reached into my purse and put on my sunglasses as we walked outside.
"Keep your head down," Denzel whispered into my ear. I immediately dropped my head.

We were guided into a building where Denzel led me down a long grey hallway. I could hear thousands of people cheering from the audience. A woman stopped me and my friends and gave us backstage passes.

"Come on, hurry!" Denzel yelled as he grabbed my hand again. We ran down that hall which led to curtains. A man opened them and it was extremely dark. I could see the stage on the other side of the room. My eyes soon adjusted to the darkness and I could see that there were several people standing in that area with me.

A man walked over to Denzel and gave him a microphone.



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