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"No," I replied nonchalantly.
"That's an order Miss. Jackson."
"You're not my boss." I turned to face him, startled to find his face directly in front of mine.
"Sit.On.My.Face." Ray commanded. I giggled.
"Monroe, come on." He grabbed my arm and pulled me over to him.

"Why do you want me to sit on you?" I asked as I straddled him.
"Baby stop playin' with me." He pulled my knees closer to his head causing me to slide over to his face.

"I'm not having sex with you Ray!" I yelled. He put his hands over my ass and pushed me over his mouth.

"Five...More...Days." suddenly his tongue stroked my wet slit causing me to moan in pleasure.
"Stop Ray!" I moaned. He laughed and continued to lick my flesh. I could hear his long tongue quickly moving around inside of me.

"Oh my Gosh!" I screamed as I fell forward, still straddling his face.
He started to suck on my clit as he roughly fingered me, starting a powerful orgasm.

My eyes rolled back in my head and I screamed in ecstasy while it finally finished. I slowly sat up and looked at Ray to find that my juices were covering his face. He smiled at me and slapped my ass as I rolled off of him.
"You have a really delicious pussy!" Ray yelled.
I laughed and slid under the covers, fixing my night gown.
"Goodnight!" I ordered.

I felt Ray's fingers stroke my hair.
"Five more days," he whispered.

~~~~~~~~~~~DAY 3~~~~~~~~~~~

I cracked my eyes open as I heard Ray singing in the shower.
Woah, he can kinda actually sing.

I sat up and got out of bed.
"Hey Denzel! Get out of the shower!" I yelled to the door. Suddenly the shower shut off.
I probably shouldn't have picked Denzel to joke about...

"WHO?!" He yelled form inside of the bathroom.
"Just kidding!" I replied. I heard his heavy footsteps getting closer to the door causing me to giggle. I felt adrenaline as he got closer so I began to run away.
"Denzel?!" He yelled angrily as he opened the door smirking. He was only wearing a pair of tight, black boxers. I kept running away, giggling uncontrollably.

I felt him suddenly grab my waist and throw me onto the bed, facing him.
"Denzel who?" He asked with a smile.
"Denzel Parker!"
"Oh really?!" He quickly leaned over me.
"Can Denzel do this?" Ray slowly lowered his face between my legs.



We arrived back at my loft as the sun started to set and Ray laid across my couch.

"Oh crap I have a meeting!" I yelled as I ran upstairs to my room.
"With who?"
"Meka Lani!" I ran into my room and changed into a red pencil skirt and a white crop top. I threw on my blue jean jacket and headed back out.
"You can stay here if you want but I have to go!" I yelled as I hurried down the stairs, "it shouldn't take long."

"You ain't going nowhere!" Ray yelled. I turned to face him. He was still laying across my crouch, looking at me with an eyebrow raised.
"What are you talking about?"
"You definitely aren't showing all that ass to Meka!"

I stopped walking and looked at him. He was serious.
"My skirt isn't that tight!" I argued.
"Change it right now!"
"Meka is a child in an adults body! He's not gonna notice!"

I grunted and ran upstairs. I threw on a blue and white stripped sundress. I stood over my balcony and asked him for approval.
"Spin around!" He demanded. I turned around, showing him my backside.

"Your ass looks too nice in that!"
"Well too bad!" I started heading for the stairs.
"You're not going anywhere in that! Go put on some sweatpants!" I rolled my eyes and walked to my room. I didn't have the energy to argue with him.

Meka probably wouldn't mind if I wasn't dressed formally. He didn't seem too formal anyways.
I threw on my grey sweatpants from college, and a hoodie.

"Bye!" I yelled as I slipped on some flip flops and headed out.
"What?" I asked as I stood in the doorway.
"If ANYTHING happens, call me baby."
"Ok Raheem," I agreed as I walked out of my apartment.

Once my driver arrived at Mekas square house, I texted him.

Me: I'm outside.

Meka: the door is open. I want you to come through to my underground house then call my name.

Me: allllrighty

I slowly cracked open the door. Not a piece of furniture was different from when I came before. I took a deep breath and headed for the door that leads to the stairs, that lead to the long grey hall, that leads to his underground hidden house.

I'm such a secret agent.

I walked through the cementhall and began to feel slightly afraid again. Brushing it off, I opened the door walking in slowly, and gently closed it back.

I have my mace with me in my purse anyways.

"Meka I'm here!" I yelled. I could hear him coming around the corner. His head poked out from the corner. Black curly, hair flopping onto his face, with a shy smile.
"Hi!" He started to wave at me.

"Hey Meka!" I began to walk toward him as he slid away from the corner and walked towards me as well.

"Hug?" He asked quietly as he held out his arms. He smiled widely showing his perfectly white teeth. I giggled and held my arms out too.
"How are you?" I asked as we hugged and he squeezed me tightly, as if he thought I was going to leave.

"I'm good," he replied softly, not taking his arms from me, "I'll take your purse!" He spoke confidently. I smiled and held it out to him.
"I read online that real gentlemen put women's purses in a closet when they come to visit," Meka spat out.
Oh wow how much more adorable can he get.

"That's sweet!" I smiled and he took my purse, putting it inside of a room.

"Come!" He yelled as he walked further down a hall.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"I...I want to show you something." He smiled hopefully and opened a door in the middle of the hall, turning on the light.

I walked into the cold room and it was full of paintings.
Paintings of me.

They were all perfect, I felt like a celebrity.
"I painted this when we were on the phone," Meka whispered as he put a painting in my hands. It me laying in bed, on the phone. Which is what I was going when he called.

"Oh my gosh I love this!" I yelled. I set the painting down and hugged him again.
"R-really?" He asked.
"Do you like fruit snacks?" He asked. I looked up at him and he was smiling innocently with small dimples on both side of his face. But, I couldn't ignore is black orbs looking into my eyes.

"Aww, YES!" I replied.
"I have fruit snacks and strawberries!" He announced happily. I laughed and let go of him.
"I'd love to eat them with you," I replied.

"Follow me!" He announced. He walked to the corner of the room into a small door. I followed him, excited to hear him say another adorable thing.

I stepped in and he quietly closed the door behind me, turning on the light. The room had cement, almost dirt floors and white walls. It was small enough to be a closet. There were only two small dim lights above me.

"What's...thi-" I felt handcuffs lock around my wrists and Meka's face behind my neck.


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