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"Soooo," I mumbled as I leaned against the window.
I'm in the car with Denzel Parker.

"Where do you work?" He asked.
"Oh..haHA..well," I breathed, "Just take me to that office building on the corner of First Avenue."
"Oh okay," he smiled.

The car was awkwardly silent.

"How's your day been?" He asked.


"Well that's good," he smiled and turned on the radio.

"Alright ladies! We got another new hit comin at you by Deeeennnzeell"
He quickly turned off the radio.

I started smiling like a little girl and looking out of the window.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think they would play my song," he spoke nervously and started to chuckle.
"It's cool." I tried not to let him hear how excited I was.


"So umm...what's your job?" He asked.
"Oh," I quickly pulled my act together. You're too old for this Monroe! "I own a few law firms, I'm an author, I share ownership of a couple malls."

"Oh wow!" He smiled, "that's impressive."
Suddenly his song lyrics popped in my head.

Oooohh guurl yo booty is impressive!
I started rolling my neck, singing the song in my head.

"Are you okay?" He asked smirking at me.

"Uh-okay," he smiled and continued to smile.

That booty, that booty, that booty is IMPRESSIVE!

"I. M. P. R. E. S. S. I. V. E!!" I quickly covered my mouth.
I looked over at him and he was grinning ear to ear.

"THAT BOOTY IS IMPRESSIVE!" He yelled I smiled.

"Oh my gosh," he mumbled as the laughter died down, "that's gotta be the dumbest song I've ever wrote.

I was sure he was lying. All he sings and raps about is how many hoes he has. He's dated a few celebrities then just kicked them to the curb.

"Riiiight," I groaned and folded my arms.
"I've never had a real girlfriend," he spat out.
"LIAR!" I yelled. He quickly pulled the car over. I was scared, I hope he isn't crazy.

"Listen," he spoke sternly, "everything that you see online or on TV is completely set up."
"Oh?" I asked sarcastically.
"Yes!" He moved in closer to me, "All those girls I've ever dated was for publicity!"

"So you've never had a girlfriend ever?" I asked, almost believing him. He sighed and slouched down.
"I'm short, I'm ugly, the only nice thing about me is my eyes and my money." He looked down and curled half of a smile for a second.

"And your voice," I chimed in. He looked up at me with a straight face.
"Well, you know what I mean! You're not ugly Denzel!"

"Then date me," he said.
"Uh-I I C-ant uhh wh-whaa!"
"Exactly," he started the car back up and drove onto the street. We rode in silence for a few more minutes.

"That's more complicated than it sounds," I mumbled.
"You have a boyfriend?"
"A guy wants me." I looked down and fiddled my fingers.
Please don't ask who
Please don't ask who

"Who?" He asked.
Damn you Denzel!!

"Well, I don't think you'll believe me," I spoke arrogantly, knowing I'm about to tell him a billionaire is in love with me.
"I'll try," he chucked and tightened his grip on the leather wheel.
"Raheem Amini." He stopped the car.

"RAHEEM DAMN AMINI?!?!" He screamed. His mouth was wide open an his eyes were filled with shock.
"Yeah." I smiled.
"Th-The Billionaire? The one who's parents own oil?"
"Yup." He took a deep breath and tightened his hands around the wheel as he began to drive again.

"I uhh...I take it that you don't remember me," he mumbled. He looked a little depressed.
"What do you mean?" I was interested.
"Remember? We were really little and I had to move in second grade but-"
"We knew each other?" I cut in. He chuckled.
"We were best friends."

"Shut up!" I yelled as I hit his shoulder, "you're such a liar!"

"You're such a liar!" I yelled as I jumped off of the swing.
"I'm not lying!" He yelled, "There's a bird hatching from an egg under the tree back there!"
"Oh yeah!?"
"Well show me!"

We walked behind the playground and kneeled under a tree. Behind the tree was a forest so we weren't allowed to even be near it.
"See!" He pointed to an egg in a nest under the tree, "It's wobbling!"

"Wooahhh," I awed at the egg, "what do ya think it is?"
"I think it's a dinosaur!"
I pushed him over, "That's stupid!" We laughed as he crawled back to me.

"What do you think it is?" He asked.
"I dunno...probably a little ducky!" Suddenly the egg hatched. A yellow baby goose's head popped out. We both gasped.

"It's a lion!" He yelled.
"No stupid!" I hit him again, "it's a goosey!"

"Lion! Run for your lives!" He ran around the playground screaming as I chased him.

"I think I remember now, stupid!" I yelled. It made me happy that he remembered me. I never could remember what his name was after all of these years.
"After I moved away, my mom put me straight into show business," he explained, "So, I never really had a serious group of friends. I never forgot you. When I saw you answer the door I instantly knew it was you. I almost shit my pants!" We laughed.

"Wow, small world!" I noticed we were getting closer to my job.
"So...is Raheem a good dude?" He asked. I could hear the jealously in his voice.

"You know...actually he's not so bad!" I laughed and then noticed he wasn't smiling at all.
"I just...I never forgot about you Monroe," he mumbled. We pulled into the entrance of the office building.

"Bye Monroe," he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me.
"Give me your number!" I suggested. He happily agreed.

"Well," he sighed, "when can I see you again?" He asked.
"We'll work that out." He suddenly kissed me on my cheek.
"Okay," he whispered in my ear. I couldn't ignore the chills it sent down my spine. He let go of my waist then hopped back into the car.

I walked into the building then walked into the elevator.

I don't get why no man has ever wanted to talk to me ever in my life, now out of nowhere these rich men want me! I'm so lucky! I remember in high school I couldn't pay a guy to even touch me.

The elevator doors opened and reality hit me. I have work to do!

"Miss Jackson!" My secretary yelled.
"Not now!" I quickly walked to my office. I have people to email, files to organize, calls to make.

I opened my door and Ray was sitting on my couch.
"So who the hell was that?!"

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