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Monroe POV

"That was you the restaurant?!" I asked. I know I was talking major shit about Ray that day.
"Yup!" He kissed my cheek.
"I'm so sorry!!!" I hugged him, remembering that I called him a dick.

He laughed, "it's alright. Now go back up there with Denzel. I'll leave you alone." We kissed again and he began to walk back out of the apartment.

I headed back up to my apartment to find Denzel watching TV on my couch.

"How'd it go?" He asked with a smile. His nose had stopped bleeding.
I laughed, "it went well."
I walked over to the couch and sat next to him, laying my legs over his lap.

"So what's up baby doll?" He asked. I sighed and thought about everything. Closing my eyes, I ended up telling him everything. Rambling on and on about Ray's seven day bet. I even told him about Meka kidnapping me and Ray kidnapping everyone that ever hurt me. I then went on to talk about his family and that I called Ray's father a hood rat.

I opened my eyes and Denzel's jaw was dropped.
"Any questions?" I asked with a chuckle.
"Ummm-" he blinked a few times then sighed, "That's crazy."
"I know."

We sat in silence for a few minutes as a vacuum infomercial played on the television.
"So the man can't go a week without sex?" He asked. I had never thought about that.
"I guess not."

"Well then you need to make him wait," Denzel stated, "prove to him that you respect yourself and your body."
I sighed, "that's what I've been doing."

"Don't give in." I looked in his eyes and could tell he was serious.
"I won't." I noticed he looked nice today. He was wearing a floral button up shirt and jeans, with a pair of black converses.

"What's your thing with fashion?" He asked.
He laughed, "you always look at what I'm wearing every time I've seen you."
"Oh God, is it that noticeable?!" I thought about all the times I've noticed someone's outfit.
"I just notice your eyes looking me up and down," he chuckled and rubbed my legs, "it's okay." We laughed then sat in silence again.

"Well," I started, "your turn."
"You never tell me about you!"
"Almost everything about me is on social media!" I sighed, giving up. He was right.

"Well tell me something that's not!"
"Well I have a secret that you don't know!" Denzel said with a chuckle.

"What?" I asked happily.
"Ray is standing outside of the door." I gasped and looked at the door.
"Ray. Is standing. Right in the hall."
"How do you know?!"
"I've always had good hearing."

I shot up and stormed to the front door of my apartment. When I swung the door open i found Ray standing in the hall.

"I miss you!" He pouted. I laughed and gazed at him.
"Come in."


I sat in my recliner chair while Ray and Denzel sat on the couch.
"Sorry for punching you in the nose," Ray confessed. Denzel and I laughed.
"It's alright," Denzel said. We all sat in silence for a minute.

"So where do you party at?" Denzel asked him.
"What do you mean?"
"Umm-" Ray looked at me nervously.

"Do you go to clubs?" I confirmed.
"I- I- no I don't go to clubs." Ray spat out. I started to debate if he has any friends besides me. I never see him with anybody, and he's constantly either texting me or with me.

"You should come with me and my boys tonight!" Denzel announced.
"Where?" Ray asked quietly.
"The club downtown. You know? Club Rush?"

Ray looked at me nervously again.
"He doesn't usually have time to go to clubs," I spoke for him.
"You got time tonight?" Denzel asked.
"Uh- yeah!" Ray said.
"Then it's a deal! You're gonna fit right in with us, Ray!"

"Where exactly is this club?" I asked. I haven't been to Rush before, and there's no way in hell I'm letting Ray go to some strip club.
"It's just downtown," Denzel assured, "we're just gonna have some fun!"

I didn't know how I felt about all this "fun."

"Monroe you should come too!" Ray spat out.
"No way!" Denzel interrupted, "it's a guys night out!" He laughed and punched Ray's arm. Ray had the most stressed look on his face that I've ever seen.

"You okay?" I asked.
"I guess I'm not the best with crowds," Ray confessed. Awwww

"You'll be alright," Denzel comforted, "you'll be with me and my dudes."
"Who are your dudes?" He asked.
"My friends Zee and Rod. They're both rappers, but I'm sure you haven't heard of them."


"That's nice," I said calmly, giving a phony smile. I may just have to show up at this club. I need to take a selfie with Zee and Rod.
"Well what time is all this?" Ray asked.
"I can pick you up from here at Twelve."

"Alright." Denzel stood up and smiled at me.
"See ya!" I said as I stood up to hug him. I walked him to the door and watched him leave.

"I can't go!" I heard Ray tell behind me.
I laughed as I closed the door, "why?" Ray was pacing the floor nervously.

"I don't do good with crowds!"
"you're always in crowds! Shut up!" He's always with his father on TV to  give speeches or do interviews.

"Not crowds like this!"
"You'll be alright Ray."

I walked upstairs and laid face down on my bed. I was unusually tired. I wonder if I should go to he club tonight and check on Ray. If I see a girl on him I'm gonna beat his ass...I wonder if I can twerk. I wonder if Ray would like that. Ash always watches twerk videos, I swear she's crazy. They haven't talked to me in a long time. We should all go to the club tonight! Yup, it's official, we're going ! But can I twerk!?

I looked back at my butt...it looked nice! I started to move my hips up and down, causing my ass to juggle. Damn! I'm sexy!

I laughed and turned the other way to find Ray standing in my doorway. He was staring at me like I was dinner.
"Hello!" I sang innocently.
"You're...KILLING ME!"

I laughed and sat up, "what do you mean?"
"How dare you lay there and twerk?!"
Should I tease him?
No Monroe stop! He's had enough.
There's never too much!
Yes there is.
No there's not!
Yes there is!!!
No there's not!!!!!

I walked over to Ray and pulled him into my room, slamming the door behind him.

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