Cleansers/Face Washes

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Hey guys! One of my mom's friends gave me a book on how to keep your skin healthy and stuff like that, so I'm getting a lot of good ideas for future chapters from that. Today, I'm going to be writing about face WASHES and cleansers, because those are really important.

Face cleansers are different than face masks or scrubs, because it involves a quick rinse, which takes much less effort.

One Ingredient Face Cleansers

1. Honey

2. Mashed avocados

3. Yogurt

4. Any oil; coconut, olive, castor, almond

Side note: Any of these ingredients are great for your skin. Choose whichever one you want and apply to your face, and wash off immediately after. You probably want to leave it on for 1 minute.

Lemon Juice and Yogurt Cleanser

Ingredients: Plain yogurt, and lemon juice

1. Mix yogurt with the lemon juice until they are combined

2. Apply to face and leave on for 1-2 minutes, before washing with warm water

Side note: If you don't like the scent of plain yogurt (I don't!) then use removable gloves so your fingers won't smell like it. Hold your breath! The lemon juice will help make it smell better, and it never hurts to put it on your face.

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