"It's not right. The French quarter's one of the only parts of the city that dodged Katrina. Now there's a serial killer loose." Will says, clearly tipsy and I was making sure he wasn't going to hurt himself.
"It's a small area, and we're narrowing down the profile. We'll find him...You always drink while you're still on the clock?"
"This is New Orleans, honey. It's a cultural thing. How did that retarded freak become your daughter?" Will says, causing my eyes to burn with anger. How dare he call Dorothea those awful names?
"Don't you call my daughter those awful names! Dorothea's the kindest and sweetest little girl in the entire world and I'm proud to be her mother!"
"It's the truth. Those scars on her body and her constant hand movements, along with her humming makes her a retarded freak. JJ, she's not a good daughter for you to have. If you want babies, we can make our own." Will says and I slapped his face.
"Dorothea's the only child that I need and I'm dating her other mother, Agent Emily Prentiss. You and I will never happen." A waitress walks up to us and places another drink near Will.
"Excuse me. Compliments of the woman in the blue top." The waitress says before walking away. That was bold, but good on the woman for shooting her shot. My phone rings and I answer it.
"Is Will with you?" Emily asks me from the other end of the line.
"Yeah and almost drunk off his ass. What is it?"
"The unsub's a woman." Emily says.
"Thanks honey. I'll see you in a bit."
"What's going on?" Will asks me.
"The unsub is a woman. Now we need to set up a press conference."
"We're not making a media spectacle out of this." Will tells me.
"People need to know that this killer is a woman... What?"
"Listen. Tourists are just starting to filter back here. I can't create mass hysteria in a city trying to rebuild. Besides, we'll be playing right into her hands." Will tells me.
"Shut up and set up the conference after you sober up."
Dorothea's POV
Standing in a quieter corner of the French Quarter, I played with the beads that were hanging from my neck and hummed along to the music. A man walks over to me and gives me a smile.
"Hi there little darling. What are you doing here all by yourself?" The man asks, his breath reeking of alcohol.
"Just finding some quiet, but I should head back to my family." I tell the man, trying to walk away when he puts his fingers into my vaginal area and begins to suck on my neck.
"Please let me go! I will not say anything, just let me go." The man smiled while continuing to assault me and I try harder to get away. A woman wearing red pressed a knife into the man's neck, causing him to pause his actions.
"I believe the little girl asked you to fucking stop." The woman says before he moves away and she stabs him in his private area.
"You men make it easy. Especially the pedophiles." The woman says before going to stab him, but I stop her.
"Thank you for helping me, but you do not have to kill him. You were raped and assaulted by men and nobody believed you, except for Detective William LaMontagne Sr. He unfortunately passed away in Katrina, but I know people that will help you. My name is Dorothea Prentiss-Jareau and my mommies work with the FBI. They will make sure you get justice. What is your name?"
"Sarah Danlin." Sarah says with tears in her eyes.
"I will text my mommies to come because I do not want you to be traumatized by the men right now." Sarah nodded and I texted my moms to come here.
"My biological father physically abused me and raped me. He sold me to other men and I thought that no one would believe me. But I told my neighbours and they got the authorities to save me. Now I am with my mommies who believe me about what happened to me. I believe you Sarah and so will my mommies." Mama, Mommy and Will run over to me and I looked down at the man to see him whimpering in pain. Will gets in my face and I can smell the alcohol on his breath.
"You wanted that man to touch you or you wouldn't be in an alley. You're such a fucking retarded freak that's holding JJ from having a real baby with a real man!" Will shouts in my face, before going to slap me. Mama grabbed his right arm and twisted it, causing him to scream.
"Don't you ever call Dorothea those awful names again! Or attempt to hit her again because I'll be your worst nightmare if you do! As for having a child with a real man, I don't need a man when I have Emily who I love with my whole heart and soul. I don't need another child when I have Dorothea, who I love with my entire heart and soul. Also you're not my friend so don't call me JJ because only my friends call me JJ." Mama says before walking over to me and picks me up.
"I promised Sarah that I would stay with her while she told us her story."
"And you will do that little one." Mommy says before all five of us walked away.
"Did we call an ambulance for that man?"
"I did little one." Mommy says as we continued walking.
Emily's POV
"The doctors said that the man that fingered our daughter will be okay. Though he's not going to be able to use his penis for a long time." JJ says with a smirk on her face. Dorothea was asleep in my arms and I couldn't help but awe at how innocent she was right now.
"I'm proud of Dorothea for getting Sarah to turn herself in. She's already told Hotch and Gideon that she won't leave until Sarah gets the help she needs."
"Spencer informed me of that conversation and it was adorable at how protective our daughter was of Sarah." JJ tells me.
"Dorothea's a hero even if that New Orleans bastard doesn't think so."
"Well he's a bastard. I love my life with you and Dorothea and that won't ever change." JJ says before noticing the hickey on Dorothea's neck.
"I would kill him, but then I would be in jail and not with my two favourite people. Plus not using his penis is punishment enough." JJ chuckles at the last part of my statement and I couldn't help but chuckle as well.

How To Save A Life(Criminal Minds Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend. Somewhere along in the bitterness. And I would have stayed up with you all night. Had I known how to save a life."~Grey's Anatomy *Starts from Season 2 Episode 9-Onwards*