"Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend. Somewhere along in the bitterness. And I would have stayed up with you all night. Had I known how to save a life."~Grey's Anatomy
*Starts from Season 2 Episode 9-Onwards*
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Dorothea's POV
"I'll be right here waiting for you to come back from showing everyone your costume." Auntie Elle tells me before I run over to where Derek and Spencer were standing.
"Happy All Hallows Eve, folks. To paraphrase from Celtic mythology, tomorrow night all order is suspended, and the barriers between the natural and the supernatural are temporarily removed!" Spencer says before noticing me.
"See, that right there is why Halloween creeps me out." Derek says and I look up at him.
"Are you scared of Halloween Derek?" Derek looks at me with a smile on his face.
"I didn't say I was scared, I said I was creeped out. There's a difference there, youngsters. Spencer should look it up. Nice costume kid." Derek says when Mommy walks over and gives me a hug before pulling away to take a good look at me.
"You look great in that costume sweetheart. Are you a detective?" Mommy asks me and I shake my head.
"Nope. I am a BAU agent." I tell Mommy before showing her my fake badge Penelope helped me make.
"You look so cute. Now what creeps you out about it?" Mommy tells both Derek and I.
"I don't know. People wearing masks. I don't like folks in disguises." Derek says and Spencer gives him a look before handing me some Skittles.
"That's the best thing about Halloween. You can be anyone you want to be." Spencer says.
"So I can be a dragon who eats bad guys like James?"
"Yes you can little one." Mommy says when Mama, Uncle Aaron and an unfamiliar man walk over to us.
"You know what, though? On the flip side, it does provide a pretty good reason to cozy up with a scary flick and a little Halloween honey." Derek says, causing me to look at him with confusion in my eyes.
"Halloween honey. Now I'm creeped out." Mommy says when Mama comes and hugs me.
"You look so adorable sunshine." Mama says before I look over at the unfamiliar man.
"Agent Jennifer Jareau, SSA Emily Prentiss, SSA Derek Morgan and Dr. Spencer Reid, this is SSA David Rossi. And this little girl is Dorothea Prentiss-Jareau, the daughter of agents Jareau and Prentiss." Uncle Aaron introduces us and everyone shakes David's hand.
"Hi. Everyone calls me JJ. It is such an honour to meet you, sir. I've heard a lot about you." Mama says while I look at the man clearly uncomfortable with a new man here. I still wasn't a hundred percent comfortable with the men here, but David is new and he could hurt me.
"Thank you. And what's your function here?" David asks Mama.
"I'm the communications coordinator and liaison. Pretty much the go-between for the team and the rest of the world." Mama says while rubbing my arm.