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Emily's POV

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Emily's POV

"We're looking for two men, probably white, given the neighbourhoods that they hit, mid to late twenties, intelligent, and organized." Aaron says.

"These are career criminals. One or both has done hard time, but neither presents as a convict. They would appear clean-shaven, well dressed, neighbourly. This helps them talk their way into the homes. They may also be using a ruse." Danny says.

"What kind of ruse?" Nellis asks us.

"Given that the invasions took place in the evening, it could be anything. Could be door-to-door sales, person in distress, car trouble."

"Uh, Derrick Todd Lee used a tape of a baby crying to get women to open their doors in Baton-Rouge. Never underestimate their creativity." Spencer says.

"These men share a very tight bond and a mutual compulsion to kill, but their signatures reveal two very distinct personalities." Derek says.

"One brutalizes the parents. This is the dominant one... Sadistic, remorseless, extremely volatile. The other prefers a needle. His injections are consistent with an angel of death. He's more withdrawn, sensitive, and he has a warped sense of mercy."

"Agent Morgan is passing out a list of places where he might have access to the drug he uses. It's long, but..." Aaron says when JJ runs over to us.

"Hotch... There's been another one, and they're sending an ambulance." JJ says, causing all of us to look at her.


"There's a survivor?" Danny asks before looking over at us.

"Why don't you and JJ head over to the hospital? She may open up to you more." Danny suggests. JJ and I headed out the door and drive over to the hospital where we're greeted by a doctor.

"She's lucky to be alive. The injection went into the soft tissue of the arm, missed the vein." The doctor who's name Dr. Allison Jones is stitched onto her lab coat.

"That's a first. This guy doesn't miss."

"She conscious?" JJ asks the doctor.

'She's in and out. Keep in mind she's suffering the effects of an acute barbiturate overdose. She's drowsy, confused." The doctor says and I run a hand through my hair.

"Given what's happened, that's probably best."

"I'll bring you to her room but no promises that she's able to help you." The doctor says before leading us to Carrie Ortiz's room.


Dorothea's POV

"Why aren't you eating Dorothea?" Mary asks me as we sit in my room for my therapy session. She sat on the chair by my desk while I laid down on my bed clutching Spot tightly to help ease my anxiety.

"I was not hungry Mary."

"That lovely woman, Erin told me that Elizabeth has been texting you to not eat." Mary tells me.

"Yes she told me that but I also have not been hungry lately."

"You know not eating is going to kill you. Especially because of your diabetes." Mary tells me and I sigh.

"She has been blaming me for James' death. I did not kill him, but I am glad that he is dead. James hurt me so much and I hate him because even though he is dead he is still in my head. I cannot sleep peacefully without seeing his face."

"You have to tell your moms about this. They can help you." Mary tells me.

"I will. Can I please be done for today?" Mary nods before leaving my room and I headed to the living room. Elle and Erin were on the bigger couch watching a movie while Nicky was on the smaller couch on her laptop. Sitting on Elle's lap, I looked up at her with a smile before kissing her cheek.

"Well hello to you sweetheart." Elle says before kissing my nose and I can't help but twitch my nose in delight.

"What are you watching?"

"Forrest Gump." Erin says, causing me to look at her with a look of confusion because I've never heard of a movie with that name before.

"You'll like it." Elle tells me before I turned around to face the television screen.



"Emily, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I just wish we could have taken in Carrie. She would have been great with Dorothea." Emily tells me. Carrie Ortiz was reunited with her extended family and they're going to go to LA. Before that Emily and Danny were planning on taking the girl into their care. Danny even phoned his sister to see if that was legally possible.

"They're good people. Carrie's family."

"Good. I'm glad." Emily says as the door of our room opens revealing Dorothea in tears. Opening my arms, Dorothea climbs into our bed and crawls into my arms.

"What happened sunshine?"

"Danny showed me a scary movie and now I am afraid that you two will be killed." Dorothea cries into my arms and Emily FaceTimes Erin.

"Erin, what movie did Danny show the girls?" Emily asks her.

"Danny said it was a Disney movie. But seeing the tears on Dorothea's face, I don't think that was the case. Daniel Fitzgerald Reagan! What did you show the girls?!" Erin tells us before yelling the last part towards Danny.

"Halloween." Danny replies and I run my hand through Dorothea's hair.

"Nice job Danny! Our daughter is trembling in fear in my arms because of you." Dorothea giggles at Erin throwing a pillow at her brother.

"Auntie Erin is funny." Dorothea says, causing all of us to smile at her.

"She is funny." Emily tells her.

"Where is Auntie Elle?" Dorothea asks Erin.

"She went to get ready for bed. But Uncle Danny's in trouble with her as well when she finds out." Erin tells her with a smile which causes Dorothea to smile back.

"Well I'm kicking your brother's ass tomorrow." Emily tells Erin before hanging up and kisses Dorothea's head.

"You're a great mother Emily."

"So are you JJ." Emily says before kissing me and I kissed her back.

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