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"Okay, we have four victims in Oregon. Two male, two female."

"Portland field office uncovered a mass grave with three bodies, killed six months ago. Nearby they found another body. Causes of death range from burning alive to asphyxiation. No sexual assault." Hotch says. Dorothea's at home with her grandfather and Elle having a couple of days off from online school.

"Well, the torture's clearly sadistic." Derek says.

"The lack of sexual preferences could make it hard to tell if the unsub is male or female." Spencer says.

"Typically, female serial killers stick to the same M.O. It looks like this guy's all over the place." Emily says before grabbing onto Dorothea's hand and gently squeezed it.

"Most recent victim is Jenny Wittman. Asphyxiated. Discovered yesterday." Hotch says.

"How long was she missing?"

"She was never reported missing." Hotch says.

"What about the others?" Spencer asks.

"Only one." Hotch says.

"One of four?" Spencer asks.

"Rick Holland was reported missing nine months ago, but the search was called off."

"Family discovered his car at the train station. But more importantly, they received e-mails from him saying that he needed time to figure things out." Aaron says.

"And his family bought that?" Derek asks him.

"Well, I guess the alternative was too hard to accept." Hotch says.

"Reaching out could be a sign of remorse." Spencer tells us.

"Psychopaths don't apologize for their behaviour. This guy's covering his tracks." Hotch says.

"So... three victims he buried in one grave and then only Jenny Wittman in the other." Emily says.

"You thinking it's a pattern?" Derek asks.

"Uh, it's hard to tell." Emily says.

"If there is, it's one down... two to go. Now can we go over what Portland found?" Hotch asks us.

"One female and two male victims found buried together in the same grave... All ages twenty-five to thirty. All had been dead... six months?"

"That sounds like three different M.O.S."

"Uh, Gary Taylor, the phantom sniper, was all over the map, just like this guy. He changed his M.O. As his need to control the situation changed." Spencer says.

"What about the fresh grave?" Hotch asks.

"Uh, female, twenty-eight dead roughly forty-eight hours. She was asphyxiated."

"It's a good thing this guy's dump site has been compromised." Derek says.

"As soon as the unsub knows that, he may feel pressured that we're onto him. It could push him to make a mistake." Emily adds on.

"Attention team members-- this killer guy continues to stoop to an all-time low of lows by posing as his victims. He's also manipulated two of the families into thinking that everything was okay, even after they were reported missing. One of the fake e-mails was from their daughter. She said she met this guy and was taking him to her favourite place, Australia, for a couple of weeks. Family contacted the Australian authorities after too much time had passed." Garcia says from the other end of the computer screen.

"This guy sure knows a lot of personal information about his victims." Derek says.

"How did he get access to their e-mail accounts?" Emily asks.

"Screen name was the same, but the domain was different. The families never noticed. When I find more pieces of the puzzle, you'll know. Garcia out." Garcia says before signing off.

"This guy's creative. Let's go over the details one more time just to make sure we haven't missing anything." Hotch says.


Emily POV

"You must be the B.A.U. Special Agent Bill Calvert." Bill introduces himself to us.

"Hi. Jennifer Jareau. This is SSA Aaron Hotchner. These are Agents Morgan, Prentiss, and Dr. Reid." JJ introduces us to the man.

"I appreciate your help on this case." Bill tells us.

"So you're from Boston, huh?" Derek says.

"The accent's kind of hard to miss in Oregon, right?" Bill says.

"We'd like to take a look around Jenny Wittman's apartment." Aaron says.

"I'd take you myself, but I'm waiting to meet a family, so I'll have another agent drive you out there." Bill says before leaving.

"I'll stay behind and work victimology."

"Great. I could use some extra hands. We'll call you if we find anything." Aaron says before leaving.

"So we'll just set up here?" JJ says, indicating to the desks and Bill nods before leaving.


Dorothea's POV

"Grandpa, why does Elizabeth blame me for James' death?" Grandpa looks at me with a slight frown on his face while Elle was making lunch in the kitchen. She wants me to try tamales especially because I've never had them before.

"James was a sickly child and Elizabeth spent time with him, making sure he was okay. When your mother was born, she was healthy so I was left taking care of her. Elizabeth favoured James and let him do whatever he wanted, but if your mother wanted to do the same thing Elizabeth would not let her. In her eyes, James can't do anything wrong while the rest of us can." Grandpa tells me.

"Is it proper of a Prentiss to hate their grandmother and biological father?"

"There's no such thing as proper when it comes to our feelings. If you hate them, then you're entitled to feel that way." Grandpa tells me before hugging me and I hugged him back.

"I love you Grandpa." Grandpa kisses the side of my head while continuing to hug me.

"I love you too Dot." Grandpa tells me with a smile on his face.

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