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*this is Henry Prentiss(Emily and James' father and Dorothea's grandfather)*

Emily's POV

"Excuse me, Agent. I need to speak to Agent Prentiss and one of her superiors." Mother's voice rings out, causing me to turn around and see her standing there with dad.

"Uh, they're both in a briefing." Agent Grant Anderson tells Mother when I sigh and started walking over to her.

"Yes, well, it's extremely important." Elizabeth tells Grant when Dorothea walks over to us and smiles upon seeing dad.

"Grandpa!" Dorothea excitedly exclaims to dad before hugging him.

"Hello mother. How can I help you?" A woman and her daughter walked over to us with tears in their eyes.

"Hi my precious gift. How about the two of us go grab some lunch?" Dad tells Dorothea who nods and they walk away from us. Mother and I go into the conference room where the women introduced themselves as Katerina and Natalya Chernus, though only Natalya spoke English.

"I found my father's car last night when I took out the garbage. The door was open, and his bag was on the ground, but he was gone." Natalya tells us.


"Kidnapped." Mother tells us.

"Are you sure?" Aaron asks.

"Yes." Natalya tells us.

"Have you been to the police?" Aaron asks the family.

"They came directly to me. As I think you can understand, agent, they don't easily trust the authorities." Mother replies.

"There are protocols, Ambassador Prentiss, the local police. There's an FBI office in Baltimore." Aaron says.

"Yes, but you do handle kidnapping cases, don't you?" Mother asked us.

"When necessary."

"Mrs. Chernus' brother, Natalya's uncle, worked for me at the embassy in the Ukraine." Mother tells us.

"Be that as it may, there are channels these cases must go through, and if our particular expertise is required. You are aware of this Mother." Mrs. Chernus speaks in Russian to her daughter, causing Natalya to look over at us.

"Please. We don't have time. Please. It's already 8:15 in the morning." Natalya begs us.

"The kidnappers left a note demanding $100,000 be wired to a bank account in Moscow by noon today. That's less than four hours." Mother says when Natalya shows us a severed finger with a wedding ring on it.

"They say if we don't, they'll send another... Piece every six hours after. That's my father's wedding ring... Please help him." Natalya begs us. Mrs. Chernus begins speaking in Russian again and while I understand the language, she's talking too fast for me.

"Where are you taking that?" Natalya asks an agent who had a cooler that contained the finger.

"We need to process it." The agent says.

"Nyet. Pazhalusta..." Mrs. Chernus says with tears in her eyes.

"She wants his wedding ring."

"Please, let us hold the cooler." Natalya begs us.

"It'll be here if you need it."

"Agent, it's fine for now. You can leave it." Aaron tells the agent who leaves the cooler and exits the room.

"This note's in Russian. I need to know the exact text." Spencer tells Natalya.

"Wire $100,000 to Nadka bank account, number 155293846729 by tomorrow noon. If you don't-- if you don't, you'll receive "another body piece then and every six hours after." Natalya says.

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