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"Great Falls, Montana. over the past fourteen months, three women have been reported missing: Michelle Lawford, Jennifer Hillbridge, and Darcy Cranwell. All young Caucasian brunettes. After an extensive search, all were presumed dead by local authorities." Danny returned to help us but this time his wife and children were also here. Linda and their sons were at the house with Dorothea, Nicky and the other women. Emily said that her parents and the rest of the Reagans are coming for Dorothea's birthday. My mother, brother and niece will also be coming for Dorothea's birthday.

"So at least we know he has a type." Emily says while Danny was biting on the cap of his pen, clearly thinking.

"And now there's a fourth woman, Angela Miller. This morning, she and her car went missing. from a small grocery store while her husband and son were inside. Forty minutes later, state troopers spotted Angela Miller's car on the highway."

"And when troopers tried to apprehend the driver, he blew himself up with a grenade, putting one of the troopers in the ICU." Hotch says, causing Danny to clench his right hand into a fist.

"Are they sure that she wasn't in the car with him?" Spencer asks.

"They went through the wreckage, and it appears she's still missing."

"Troopers get a look at the guy?" Derek asks.

"Caucasian, stocky, brown hair, moustache. Early forties. He has a scar on the left side of his face."

"Do you think Angela Miller's still alive?" Danny asks us.

"Since the other women missing were never found, we don't know, but he only had her For forty minutes, so we have to assume she is." Hotch says as we notice Spencer drawing a map and colouring it in.

"You know, I could have gotten you a colouring book at the airport." Danny teases Spencer who looks at him with a smile.

"I'm creating a topographical map, weighing down and geocoding all key locations looking for algorithms." Spencer tells us.

"Yeah. That's exactly what I thought you were doing boy wonder." Danny tells him with a smile.

"It's called a jeopardy surface. It's a way of narrowing down where the unsub could reside. And by default, where he may be stashing Angela Miller." Hotch says while I drank my coffee.

"You know, it says here the guy had a fully loaded gun, so we know he had options. Why the pomegranate?" Derek asks.

"He wants to be remembered. And he wanted to be sure to take as many cops with him as possible. He knows he's out gunned. So he waits. Times it to the last second. Boom! There are some very committed people in those parts." Rossi says.

"Who loves their fire power. Almost as much as they hate us." Hotch says.

"Militia." Danny says.

"And they're heavily armed." Spencer adds on.

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