Emily's POV
"Two fires, two families in three weeks. The first family, the Jarvis', all died. Last night, the Cutlers. Only one survivor, Charlotte Cutler, she's in critical condition with burns to over 60% of her body." JJ says while showing us the pictures of the victims. Dorothea's in JJ's office because this case was extremely graphic and traumatic that we don't want her to be even more traumatized.
"Well, it's no accident. It's the same M.O. No fuses, kerosene, multiple points of origin, families targeted at home while they slept."
"The bay area has a serial arsonist." Aaron says.
"Statistically, 94% of all serial arsonists are male, 75% are white, and few, if any, are ever caught." Spencer says.
"Few? You do not have a percentage?"
"About 16%, and those 16% set thirty-plus fires before they were ever apprehended. I'm trying to be more conversational." Spencer replied.
"Oh. It's not working. Most serial arsonists don't intend to inflict harm. Injuries or death, those are accidental. It's not about violence."
"For this one it is." Aaron tells us.
"It's also about power. Seeing the destructive force of their fires. Watching the chaos, for them, fire's just a substitute for sexual release." Jason says.
"Oh, great, so if these guys don't get laid, they start fires?" Penelope states.
"No statistic?"
"Nope. They don't have statistics on this guy. One of a kind." Jason says. Thank God for that!
"Thank God." Penelope says, voicing my thoughts.
"Three weeks ago, this serial arsonist escalated into a serial killer whose weapon is fire. Why?" Spencer asks us.
"Major event. Possibly the breakup of his primary sexual outlet. The separation, the loss." Aaron says.
"All right. What about the victims?" Jason asked.
"SFPD can't connect the Jarvis' and the Cutlers, but witnesses put an unidentified late model gold sedan near both fires." JJ says.
"Run the car. Garcia, run the victims through the system, if there's any connection we need to find it." Aaron tells Penelope, who nods in response.
"We need victimology. I'll go see Charlotte Cutler." Aaron says before leaving the room with Jason following after him.
"This place is great! They have their own espresso machine." Spencer says while trying to make an espresso. Dorothea was looking around the place while holding onto my hand to make sure that I was still here. Detective Leah Castro walks over to us with a small smile on her face.
"Dr. Spencer Reid, this is Detective Castro. She is with the SFPD liaison."
"Burned my hand on that espresso machine." Spencer says before using his other hand to shake hers.
"This is my daughter Dorothea Prentiss-Jareau."
"It is nice to meet you Detective Castro." Dorothea says before shaking the woman's hand. Leah gave her a warm smile before looking over at me.
"Ooh! A genius, you said?" Leah says, referring to Spencer.
"Yeah, uh, his coordination drops off when he's thinking."
"Good. 'Cause we need to figure out why this psycho chooses these families." Leah tells us before leading us into another room. Dorothea sits in one of the chairs and begins to do her schoolwork.
"He's most likely targeting the men. They're the only similar members of the two families. C. Jarvis, twenty-nine, worked full-time. Charlotte Cutler, thirty-nine, was a stay-at-home mom. The Jarvis' had two girls in public grade school, Cutler's had a son in private high school. The Jarvis' went to church, the Cutlers didn't. Nothing holds. Except with the men both in their late thirties, white, approximately six feet tall, brown hair, nice homes, nice families, good jobs, that's the connection." Spencer tells us.
"What connection? Cutler was a lawyer, Jarvis an executive. There's no evidence they ever met." Leah adds on.
"But they are of the same type. We know that most serial arsonists are white males. A complex M.O. Develops over time. This guy is in his mid-thirties, he sees the victims as successful versions of himself. And he resents them for it." Spencer says.
"I'll issue an A.P.B. for a resentful six foot white guy. Come on Dorothea, I'll show you how to use the espresso machine so you can teach Spencer how to use it." Leah tells Dorothea before they leave the room and Emily enters the room with Hotch.
"Charlotte Cutler died." Hotch says.
"I'm sorry. Next time I'll go." Gideon tells him.
"What have we got on the vehicle?" Hotch asks me.
"Uh, it is a 1999 gold Ford Taurus. 85% of that model colour-combo were sold domestically as fleet vehicles. Company cars, rental fleets. None of the agencies kept them for the past three weeks, or rented during both fires. Who keeps a rental car for three weeks?"
"Then it's not a rental." Hotch says.
"It would have to be a company car. This guy, he had to have time to stalk his victims. And if his job involves driving..."
"There was a serial arsonist up in Seattle, early nineties." Detective Ricardo Vega says when Dorothea enters the room with a cup of hot chocolate in her hands.
"Paul Kenneth Keller." Dorothea says before drinking her hot chocolate.
"Yeah. He used to drive around all day selling advertising for his dad's agency, picking out places to burn." Ricardo says.
"Company car. Good work, J.J." Hotch says.
"Let's do the profile." Gideon tells us.

How To Save A Life(Criminal Minds Fanfic)
Fanfiction"Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend. Somewhere along in the bitterness. And I would have stayed up with you all night. Had I known how to save a life."~Grey's Anatomy *Starts from Season 2 Episode 9-Onwards*