Chapter 1 - Hope

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Hope wasn't ready for her midterms.

Hope was currently tying her black hair into a braid, and she had to keep reminding herself if she was this worried, she would become sick.

The door squeaked open, and Hope's twin sister, Naomi, peeked through the door. "You ready?" she asked.

Naomi was a very extroverted, bubbly person and she loved making new friends, and Hope was the exact opposite. Hope was introverted and quite shy, and she only had a few friends, but she was very close with all of them. Naomi had blond hair, and while Hope had dark hair, they both had the same pale skin tone. 

Naomi is a telepath and an empath, and Hope still hasn't manifested, which makes her worry that she is going to be talentless.

Hope nodded. "I'm ready." She said, her voice slightly shaky.

Naomi came into the room and put her arm around her shoulder. "You have been practicing every day! Trust me, you will pass. Now come on, we are going to be late."

Hope followed her sister down the stairs and found her mom, Sophie Foster, eating her breakfast at the dining table.

Naomi and Hope sat down next to their mom at the dining table, and they both started eating the breakfast on the table, which was custard bursts and ripplefluffs. "Good morning Mom," Hope said as she gorged all the delicious treats in her mouth.

Her mom smiled. "Good morning. Do you need help with your hair Naomi?" she asked, looking at Naomi's messy hair.

Naomi nodded. "Yes. Please help!" 

Mom laughed. "Okay sure, come here."

Naomi ran over to Mom, and she made a beautiful braid with Naomi's hair.

As mom tied Naomi's hair with a rubber band, Hope's dad, Keefe Foster, arrived downstairs.

"Hi Dad!" Hope exclaimed, running over to hug her dad as she finished her breakfast.

He smirked. "Good morning Hope and Naomi. Ready for midterms?"

Hope's mouth turned into sandpaper as the thought of midterms flooded back into her brain.

What if she didn't pass?

What would her mom and dad say?

What would her friends say?

"Earth to Hope!" Naomi said, waving her arm in front of Hope's eyes.

"Hmm?" Hope asked.

"We have to go!" Naomi urged, taking Hope's hand, and she ran towards the leapmaster, dragging Hope with her.

"Good luck Hope and Naomi!" Mom shouted just as Naomi shouted "Foxfire!" and Hope let the warm light whisk her away from Lushtree and arrived at Foxfire. 

The first chapter is done! I'm so excited to keep writing this book. I'm sorry it's so short, I will start making it longer soon. If you have any other ideas, feel free to suggest them in the comments. 

See you next week!

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