Chapter 16 - Keefe

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Keefe and Sophie visiting Edaline and Grady was probably his highlight of the week. They had came uninvited, and for that, they found that they weren't home. 

Sophie and Keefe were playing with Wynn and Luna, who were as beautiful as ever. They both had gotten even more energy since they last saw them. The twins were jumping around giddily when they saw Sophie and Keefe like they had won the human lottery. 

Luna immediately hoisted Sophie on her back and took off. Sophie yelped in surprise, but soon she was laughing in delight but also clutching Luna tightly. 

She looked so pretty, her brown eyes twinkling and her smile as big as ever. 

Keefe smiled. Sometimes, he thought about how he had ever gotten a girl like her to fall in love with him. But here they were, a happy family with three kids. 

They had even had to deal with people calling them a bad match. When Keefe was younger, he was never going to fall in love with someone who was a bad match with him. Back then, he didn't know much about the real world. 

Sophie had shown him how messed up the Elvin world is, and that it still is. It had gotten better since she came to the Lost Cities when she was twelve, but still, people still discriminated against people for their talents, and if they were a bad match or not. Keefe and Sophie still married each other despite it, and all their friends supported them. 

The couple constantly got disgusted looks from people, despite the fact that they saved the world. 

All because they were a Bad Match. 

Many years ago, Sophie had told Keefe she knew her biological mom, but couldn't tell anyone. Keefe had just nodded and didn't care at all. 

As long as they were happy and married. 

After a while of Sophie shouting at Luna to let her down, Luna finally let her. Sophie dismounted from the sparkly alicorn, her hair was in an absolute mess, and she had alicorn hair all over her.

"Looking very sparkly there, Foster." Keefe acknowledged, smirking. 

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Shut up, Keefe. We have the same last name now, you can't call me that. I told you that a billion times." 

"Nah, doesn't matter. You are Foster forever." Keefe argued, and Sophie laughed. 

"When do you think Grady and Edaline are coming home?" She asked. 

"Why are you asking me?" Keefe teased. "How am I supposed to know?" 

Instead of answering, Sophie pushed him, but he didn't topple over. Instead, Keefe grabbed her hands and gave a quick kiss on her cheek. 

"You're cute when you're mad," Keefe said, and Sophie blushed. 

Sophie walked towards Havenfield, and Keefe followed. "We have to get home before Naomi and Hope come from school."

Sophie raised her eyebrows as she pushed the door in Havenfield. "Look at you, being the responsible one." 

Keefe sarcastically gasped. "Me? Irresponsible? Never." 

Sophie laughed again, and Keefe's heart did a backflip. She was so cute. 

"Sophie? Keefe?" A voice asked behind them, and they jumped. 

Sophie faced the voice. "Edaline!" 

Edaline and Sophie hugged. "Get in here, Keefe!" 

Keefe joined the hug. "We haven't seen you in so long!"

"I know!" Edaline exclaimed, breaking up the hug. She examined the couple. "You two are so big!" 

Sophie smiled. "Where's Grady?" 

"He's volunteering for something at Foxfire. He was bored." Edaline explained. 

"Sounds like Grady," Keefe said. 

Edaline ushered them inside. She ordered them to take a seat and gave them a plate of mallowmelt, and Sophie a hairbrush. 

Keefe shoved the mallowmelt in his mouth, one by one. It was as good as he remembered. Every bite felt like heaven, and the taste burst in his mouth. 

"I'm never leaving Edaline's home ever again," Keefe said, stuffing another one in his mouth.

"Are you saying that you don't like my mallowmelt?" Sophie asked. 

Keefe held up his hands in surrender. "No, ma'am. I'm just saying, hers is amazing." 

Edaline laughed. "Thank you, Keefe. You are always welcome here. Besides, it's almost time for school dismissal, you should head home." 

"What!" Sophie yelped. She jumped up from her seat.

Keefe calmly sat up and brushed crumbs off of his jeans. "Let's go Foster, it takes just a few seconds to light leap. You need to stop worrying about everything."

Edaline broke down laughing behind them as they walked to the Leapmaster. 

"I don't worry about everything." Sophie mumbled. 

"Oh really? Remember the time Hope and Naomi were late for 15 minutes, you started panicking, and you thought they abandoned us? They were just talking with Magnate Leto!" Keefe retorted. 

Edaline laughed a tear from her eyes that came from laughing so hard. "When did that happen?" 

Sophie rolled her eyes. "I have every right to worry about my children." 

"Ours." Keefe corrected.

Sophie ignored him, waved Edaline goodbye, and shouted, "Havenfield!" 

Chapter 16!

I have around 700 reads thanks to all of you amazing readers! Thank you sooo much <3

I didn't think I would get this far! I am so grateful for all of you!

I also started a new book: Keeper of the Lost Cities Unravled! It's based on the new book that is coming out in November! 

Thank you for reading this chapter! See you next time!

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