Chapter 4 - Keefe

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"Hey Fitzy." Keefe teased has he stepped into Fitz's house, which was teal themed, of course. Keefe had just took a shower, and quickly left to give his best friend a little surprise.

"What are you here Keefe?" Fitz asked, has he let him in.

"Not even a hello to your best friend. Wow Fitz." Keefe sarcastically said, putting a hand over his heart to make it more dramatic

"Hi Keefe." Fitz said with an eyeroll.

"Dramatic much." Keefe complained.

Fitz laughed has he motioned for Keefe to take a seat at his couch. "Lushberry juice?"

Keefe shook his head. "Nah, I'm good. Sophie's making mallowmelt and I am saving my stomach room for that."

Fitz's eyes went dreamy at the thought of Sophie's mallowmelt and Keefe snickered, but understood how Fitz must be feeling. Sophie has been practicing making mallowmelt for years, and now after lots of practice, Keefe was pretty sure it was the best thing he had ever tasted.

"Do you mind if I um... tag along and grab a bite of mallowmelt?" Fitz asked.

Keefe snickered. "Sure buddy."

Fitz sighed. "Why are you so weird."

"Do you mean handsome, pretty, smart, and funny?" Keefe asked, running a hand through his hair, disheveling it more, which, in Keefe's opinion, made him look even better each time he did it.

Fitz rolled his eyes. "Anyways, you didn't answer my question. Why are you here?"

"Can't I not visit my best friend?"

"You want something, don't you?"

"No really, I'm serious." Keefe promised. "Yeah, really." He added when Fitz raised an eyebrow.

"Wow." Fitz said, plopping down next to him on the couch. "That's surprising."

Keefe nudged his best friend with his elbow. "Wow. Thanks."

Fitz laughed.

Keefe stood up. "I should get going. Naomi and Hope are probably home. I should congratulate them on midterms."

Fitz shot up. "I'm coming too!"

Keefe smirked. "Okay."


Lushtree glittered into view, and Keefe saw both Naomi and Hope gobbling mallowmelt but no Sophie.

Naomi's head twirled around when he heard Keefe and Fitz come into the room. "Hi dad! Hi councilor Fitz!" She ran over to both of them and gave them a hug. Hope waved shyly.

"I told you this a billion times, you don't need to call me councilor Fitz." Fitz said, hugging Naomi back.

"Nah, I'm still going to call you Councillor Fitz." Naomi teased.

"Where's Sophie?" Keefe asked as he hugged Naomi.

"She's talking upstairs to a guy who ate one too many ruckleberries. He probably likes using ruckleberries in alchemy, so he ate them. Bad choice. Looks like one of those old people with white hair in human-land." Naomi said.

Keefe and Fitz looked at each other.

Sophie was talking to Mr. Forkle.

I'm sorry for not posting on Saturday I forgot 😭😭. I'll remember to post this Saturday, but no promises.

Thank you so much for all the kind feedback you guys are the best!!! I can't believe this had 58 reads!!! Tysm!! ❤️

See you guys next week! Or should I say say after tomorrow 💀 this is what happens when you don't set an alarm to do a chapter on Wattpad because even if I enjoy writing these I'll somehow forget it ☠️

Ok bye!

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