Chapter 8 - Sophie

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It was the morning when Elwin hailed her that Hope woke up.

She was the only one awake and she was making breakfast for everyone and then Elwin hailed her.

She picked up the cube.

"Hi Elwin, any news?" Sophie asked.

"Yes!" He said enthusiastically. "Great news!"

"What is it?" Sophie demanded. Hope had been asleep for two months. She had to be awake now.


"Hope's awake!" Elwin exclaimed and Sophie felt her heart fill with hope. She hadn't realized that her heart felt so empty until now.

"What! Really!" Sophie asked.

"Yes!" Elwin said.

"Okay, Keefe, Naomi, and I-"

"Sophie, she only requested to talk with you, alone." Elwin interrupted.

Sophie was a little startled by that, but she figured that maybe something happened in her two months of dreaming.

After all, Sophie is the moonlark.

Probably weird things would happen with her daughter.

Before going to Elwins, she decided to stop by a stuffed animal toy store. She would always come here to get gifts for her friend's kids.

She wandered around the store for a bit until she found an alicorn stuffed animal named Silveny.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she remembered the sparkly alicorn.


Sophie rushed outside as she saw the black-cloaked figures standing outside. More specifically two standing outside.

Sandor and Flori were at Foxfire setting up patrols after the battle they had recently.

So many goblin warriors had died...

They had told her to stay inside her room the whole time they were gone.

But she didn't care.

Especially since they were standing strangely close to the alicorn's enclosure.

She ran outside and faced them, and got ready to pull out Hope.

"Why hello there Sophie." A whispery Voice said.

Trix. That means the other person is probably Gethen.

Those names made her furious. But she blew a breath and stayed calm.

"What are you doing here?" Sophie growled.

"To-" Trix started but Gethen pushed him aside.

"Enough of this junk. Why did you kill Vespera?"  Gethen asked, murder flashing in his eyes.

Sophie gasped. "I did not kill her. Why would I do that?"

"Uh. I don't know, maybe because she kidnapped your human parents?" Gethen pointed out.

"So you're admitting it was a wrong thing to do," Sophie said, confidence building up in her chest.

Gethen scoffed. "No, I was saying maybe you were mad at her for doing something for research purposes."

"And also hurting innocent human beings!" Sophie retorted.

"We don't care. We just want things to be fair. And we are not afraid to do bold things to get what we want." Gethen said angrily. "Anyways, let's get back on topic, shall we? Why. Did. You. Kill. Vespera."

Trix shuffled towards Silveny, brought out a dagger, and held her at knifepoint. "Answer truthfully, or she dies."

Sophie started to panic. She didn't know what to do. "I already told you the truth! I didn't do it! Lady Gisela did!"

"LIAR!" Gethen screamed, stalking closer toward Sophie, he almost picked her up by the shirt, but Sophie whipped out Hope, in a defensive position like, 'Come one step closer, and I will shred you to pieces.'

Gethen stepped back. "One last try, pathetic moonlark. WHY DID YOU KILL VESPERA?"


"WRONG ANSWER!" Trix yelled and stabbed Silveny in the neck with his dagger.

Sophie screamed, and tears poured down her eyes as Silveny crumpled to the floor.

"SOPHIE! HELP! HURT! BAD!" Silveny pleaded, and with Sophie's extremely enhanced powers after the Elysian incident, she could feel her pain, and it was so bad.

Trix and Gethen stared.

Sophie charged at them with Hope, but they vanished.

Sophie leaped towards Silveny, broadcasting her telepathy to everyone she knew.

"HELP! THE NEVERSEEN ATTACKED! SILVENY IS HURT! PLEASE SEND HELP!" Sophie broadcasted as she ran to get some bandages and some elixirs.

Sophie came back to Silveny with everything, but it was too late. Her head was limped to the side, and her eyes stared into the black void of nothing.

"No, no no no no no." Sophie cried, tears landing on the shimmery body, and she desperately tried to feed her something.

"Sophie, we heard your call! Is everything ok?" Edaline and Grady asked, but they both went silent as they saw the body.

Sophie sobbed. "Can you do anything?"

Edaline ran next to her, felt Silveny's neck, and shook her head.

Sophie cried.


Sophie set down the stuffed animal, not being able to buy it. So she found a twin set of Wynn and Luna and headed over to purchase it.

She light leaped home, packed the stuffed animals in a bag, and headed over to her old school, Foxfire, to see her daughter.

Hey y'all! Merry late Christmas!

This chapter took me so long! I'm so sorry! I did 802 words this time!! I hate to do this to Silveny, I love her character, but I needed to add some drama. (Sorry Silveny, I hope she doesn't actually die)

I can't believe we are almost in 2024. Just 1 day away.

I promise you guys will be amazing in 2024. Because all of you have beautiful souls and hearts. You are loved, even (platonically) by me <3. Make this the best year yet! Believe in yourself! Find some hobbies! Make new friends! Because a good story, just like a good person, always ends with a happy ending, no matter what conflict you go through. I am so grateful to be writing this story, and sharing this journey with my wonderful readers. Every single read I get brings me so much joy. I am so proud of you guys, even if you just got up today. Be strong! Go on adventures! Do what makes you happy! You deserve to be happy! I mean every word by heart. Don't be sad. You have one life. Make it worth it. (Except if you believe in reincarnation, which I believe in. But that's beside the point  ;) )

Be kind everyone. Make a difference.

Time flies, doesn't it?! Remember to live in the moment. You are special and unique. You do not need to be anyone else. You are perfect just the way you are.

Ok,  enough sappy talk (I still mean it though) let's hope 2024 is a good year, and I remember to edit my chapters!

See you in 2024! Goodbye!

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