Chapter 9 - Keefe

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Keefe woke up and realized him and Naomi were home alone. It has been happening quite frequently for the past few months after their meeting with Amy.

Keefe looked over and realize it was 10:00 o' clock. He slept for so long! Sophie usually woke him up in the morning...

Keefe picked up his imparter. "Show me Sophie Foster"


Sophie didn't answer, she was probably talking to the collective or something. But usually, she would still answer...

Keefe got worried, but then brushed it off.

I'm becoming like foster he thought, then chuckled. Probably because I took her last name, and maybe because I married the amazing girl.

Keefe got up, quickly threw on his tunic and cape and headed over to wake up Naomi.

Keefe opened the door. "Rise and shine buttercup!" Naomi groaned.

"Five minutes." She complained, then she buried herself in her blankets.

"It's 10 o' clock, Miss Naomi, you don't have a choice. Get up." Keefe said, yanking the blankets off of her.

Naomi groaned again. "Fine!" She ran to her bathroom and closed the door. Keefe laughed as he headed downstairs.

He picked up the soupy breakfast that Sophie had made, and noticed there was a note.

I went for some errands, I'll be back soon! Don't hail me Keefe!

"I'm suspecting you already hailed her." Naomi said, and Keefe let out a yelp.

"When did you get here!" Keefe asked,sitting down on the massive dining table.

Naomi giggled and sat next to him. "Like 10 seconds ago."

Keefe's imparter buzzed. "Hold on buttercup, I need to answer this."

He answered it and Sophie was on it.

"Guess what!" Sophie yelled, and Keefe got surprised.

Sophie hadn't been happy like that since Hope fainted. Keefe's heart fluttered with hope.

"What foster?" Keefe asked.

"Hi dad!" Hope appeared on the screen, and looked perfect, flawless.

Keefe and Naomi gasped. "How could you not tell us Sophie?!" Keefe scolded.

Sophie laughed. "From that reaction I guess you don't want to see her...."

Keefe gasped sarcastically. "How dare you Foster, we are coming! Naomi, change from your pajamas! We are going to see your sister!"

Naomi ran upstairs. Keefe ended the call, "See you in about 2 seconds!" He clicked away.

"I'm here! I'm here! Let's go!" Naomi screamed.

Keefe held her hand under the leapmaster and called, "Healing center!"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Keefe and Naomi stepped into the glorious building. A couple of years ago, Elwin decided to open a healing center area, instead of everyone having to go to Foxfire, which worked out really well. Livvy, or Physic, helps out over there and during Foxfire hours, she runs the healing center.

Sophie stepped outside as soonn as she heard the door jingle. "Keefe! Naomi! Over here!"

They all stepped in the building to find Hope drinking a bottle of youth.

Naomi ran and hugged her. "I'm sorry sis. I saw you pass out and I panicked. I didn't know what to do. I ended up calling Uncle Dex."

Sophie looked at the floor, and Keefe felt guilt fly in the air. He held her hand in a comforting way, which made the guilt fade away.

Hope smiled. "It's okay sis. But, I have a bone to pick with you, mom and dad."

Sophie looked up. "What?"

"Who in the world is Amy, and I think... never mind." Hope said.

"What?" Keefe asked. "What were you going to say?"

"I forgot." Hope said. Keefe didn't believe her, but she felt like this was a job for Sophie.

"Keefe," Sophie said. "We have been holding off this for too long. We met with Amy. Something may be happening in the future, and we have to worn them. They will have to know about the Neverseen at some point."

"I agree with Sophie." Elwin said, making everyone jump.

He chuckled. "Forgot I was here, did you?"

"Sorry Elwin." Sophie said.

"It's okay Sophie. Though I think you should give her the little gift you got Hope." Elwin suggested

Sophie's eyes lit up. "I forgot about that, she ran outside and came back with a red gift bag, it said Get Well on it.

Hope's eyes stared at the bag that Sophie gave to her. She opened it up.

"They made a stuffed animal of Wynn and Luna!?" Keefe exclaimed. Sophie nodded.

"Thank you mom!" Hope exclaimed. Sophie smiled.

"You two are delaying this. Who is the Neverseen? Who is Amy?" Naomi asked.

Sophie sighed. "Amy is my sister, my human sister."

Naomi and Hope gasped. "You're a human? But-"

Sophie laughed. "I'm not human... I grew up with humans until I was twelve. I manifested when I was 5, and I knew I wasn't normal. I was also 12 years old and I was a high school senior. Councillor Fitz is the person who showed me where I truly belonged."

"Woah. Cool." Naomi said. "And you manifested as...?"

"A telepath. I didn't know how to block human thoughts until I came here." Sophie answered.

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" Hope asked.

Sophie fiddled with her cape. "I didn't want to talk about it. Trust me, it wasn't fun."


"It's fine. It's all over now." Sophie said.

The door jingled. "I'm going to check who that is." Elwin said. He stepped outside.

"You know whats really cool about your mom? She has 5 abilities!" Keefe said, trying to lighten the mood.

"What?!" Naomi and Hope exclaimed.

"Yep, she is a Telepath, Polyglot, teleporter, enhancer, and an inflictor." Keefe said.

"What's a teleporter?" Hope asked.

"You have to jump off cliffs basically." Keefe said

"Keefe!" Sophie exclaimed.


"That's not what it is."


Elwin came back. "Sophie, Mr. Forkle wants to talk to you."

Another chapter done! This was honestly kind of a boring chapter, but I was bored. But hey, I did 977 words! And it's 2024! I can't believe it!

And also, 209 reads?! Oh my goodness! You all are amazing! Tysm!!

Anyways, see you people next time byeee!!

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