Chapter 17 - Naomi

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The day was going great until after school. 

It was another normal day of Foxfire, and since it was the first two weeks of coming back from the break, every prodigy had two extra hours of Foxfire. 

Talk about a snoozefest. 

She had finally escaped History with Lady Livera and finally got to eat some food. 

Naomi went in the line, and after all her years in Foxfire, she knew exactly what food to get. She picked out some mallowmelt-that no one else seemed to notice was there- flavored air and a portion of food that she didn't know the name of, but she knew it tasted good. 

Naomi and Hope didn't have many friends, and no matter how much Naomi had tried to open up to people, some would stare at her weirdly and roll their eyes, if she was lucky. Most of the time people ignored her, or said 'freak' under their breath. After a while, Naomi finally realized, why do I care about them? It just proves my parents weren't ashamed of each other, and don't like the stupid match lists. 

Still, her not caring won't help them not care, so she sat with Hope, Mavvy, sometimes Marylin, sometimes Clovis, and her other friend, Karive. 

When Naomi got her food, she plopped to a corner table, where her friends usually sat, away from everyone (because Hope always wanted to sit there). Shortly, her friends, Karive and Mavvy arrived, followed by her sister, Hope. 

Karive had dirty blond hair, which was cut short. She had a streak of hot pink hair and dazzling turquoise eyes. She plopped next to Naomi and began picking at her food. 

"Why so serious, what happened?" Karive teased. 

Naomi rolled her eyes. "I had Elvin History with Lady Livera. Boring."

"Ha!" Mavvy sat down across from Naomi and Karive. "I had my first ability session with Lady Redek (Marella). That was so cool. She has so much control!" 

"Lucky," Karive groaned. "I had alchemy with Lady Galvin. I know I am good at it or whatever, but I want to practice my ability. Mesmering is quite weird though." 

"At least you have an ability." Hope sat down next to Mavvy. "I'm starting to think I won't get one." 

"Boohoo, Mrs. Dramatic," Karive said. "You'll get one, have patience, loser." 

Hope and Naomi had told their friends about how many abilities their parents had a million abilities, and Naomi thought she would never forget the faces she saw on her friends' faces.

Hope smiled at that, "You're so annoying. Get help." 

Karive smirked. "No, I like teasing you. You're gullible." 

"She's getting flustered now," Mavvy acknowledged. "I think she knows you're right, Karive." 

The four laughed at that, and Naomi felt over the moon. The last two months had been crazy since Hope decided to go to bed for those months. Naomi worried about her constantly, but she woke up. Eventually, they were back to their regular schedule. 

Hope suddenly perked up. "Can we go to Atlantis after school for a bit? Naomi and I have something to show you." 

Naomi's eyebrows scrunched up. "We do?" 

"Yes, we do, you idiot." Hope exasperatedly said. "Can you two?" 

Mavvy shrugged. "Sure, my parents probably wouldn't notice."

Naomi felt her heart sink for Mavvy. She learned that a lot of elves' parents didn't acknowledge their kids, like Mavvy. She had been ignored since she was the youngest child. When she manifested as a pyrokinetic a few days ago, her parents were livid. They wouldn't pay any attention to her, and sometimes even forgot she existed. She could have a sleepover at Lushtree, and her parents wouldn't even have noticed when she hailed her parents the next morning.

Karive broke the silence. "Yeah! My parents want me to socialize more, anyway. I get it, people don't want to be friends with me since I'm a Mesmer, but whatever.

- - - - - - - -

They all arrived at Atlantis at the exact time and place they decided to rendezvous. 

"What did you want to show us?" Karive asked.

"Come!" Hope exclaimed, and as soon as she went to the far side of town, Naomi knew where she was headed. 

They arrived at their parent's statue and their Aunt Linh. Their friend's jaw hit the floor as soon as they saw this.

"Are these people your parents!" Mavvy exclaimed. "Why isn't this displayed in the center of Atlantis." 

"My parents said the Council didn't like them much, but since they.." Naomi paused, trying to remember the story. But then she realized she didn't remember it because her parents didn't tell them the story. Despite all the things they told them, it was too much to cram in one storyline, Naomi supposed. "I don't know." 

Karive laughed at Naomi. "I won't question." 

Hope suddenly backed up. "Who is that?" 

Karive, Naomi, and Mavvy turned around. A boy with blond hair and blue eyes approached them. 

"Hey, I'm Martyn Ondsinn, I'm new... I'm going to Foxfire tomorrow!" The boy said.

The boy was cute, and Naomi felt herself blush. But, something was wrong. She felt like she knew that last name, something her parents said... 

Although, Hope immediately smiled. "I'm Hope Foster, she's Naomi Foster, my twin-" 

"Twin?" Martyn Ondsinn interrupted. 

"Yeah." Naomi retorted. "Something wrong?" 

Karive, Mavvy, and Hope shot her a weird look, but Martyn raised his hands in defeat. "Nope, just curious." 

"Okay.." Hope said, confused. "This is Karive Marie and this is Mavvy Dawn." 

"Wait, Foster? You two are the kids of Sophie Foster?" Martyn asked.

"Yeah... why?" Naomi asked. Mavvy shot her a confused look, but Naomi didn't look at her.

"Doesn't she have a wanderling?" Martyn asked. 

"I don't think so," Hope said.

"Anyway, we have to go. Our parents are going to get ready." Naomi interrupted. Her other friends shared a look. 

Martyn smiled. "Alright, see you around, Naomi Foster and friends."

His smile made Naomi's heart dance, but she quickly shooed it away. Something was off about that guy... 

Chapter 17 is done! 

I'm so sorry about not posting for two whole weeks (almost)! I've been so busy, but since the school year is coming to an end, chapters will be more consistent. 

All of the kind comments make my day. I always love it when people put this book on their reading lists since I just want people to enjoy the chapters. 

And no, I'm not planning on discontinuing any time soon! Real life has just been getting in the way.

Also, can you predict what is going to happen again? You don't have to comment, but I'm excited about what is going to happen next!

See you next time, bye!

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