Chapter 14 - Hope

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Hope blew a breath when the Foxfire campus came into view. She had been unconcious for two months. What in the world are her friends going to say? 

Well, technically, she had only been absent for one day, which is the day where they get the results for midterms, which apparently, she had passed with flying colors. Then, it was midterm break, and today is the first day coming back. She was sort of hoping her friends wouldn't know what happend, and whatever happend will stay in the past. 

"Hope! Hi!" Someone hugged her from behind, making Hope jump. 

She turned around and found her friend, Mavvy, smiling brightly like always. She had olive skin and straight black hair, and rocked her uniform like usual. She had brilliant blue eyes, just like her parents. And thankfully, just like Hope, she was talentless so far. 

"Where were you for the midterm party? I couldn't find you anywhere." Mavvy wondered. Hope shrugged. 

Magnete Leto clapped his hands for morning annoucements. He blabbed about some useless stuff, and that people manifested and such, but Hope tuned him out. For her, she had only been out for a few minutes.... 

Why had it been two months? 

And the thing that scared her the most: Was it a new ability? The weirdest one ever? 

The only thing she can think of that she was a Descryer, but it made no sense. She suspected she saw old memories of her mom, not potential. And only one person ever is a Descryer, which is Councillor Terik. 

"-have a great day of your classes!" Magnete Leto continued. Hope held out her sheet, which showed she had ability detecting again. 

Great. Another day of useless ability detecting. 

And just to get matters worse, they were doing pyrokinetic detecting today. By far the most dangerous abilty, her mom told her that she had a friend who is a pyrokinetic, and they stopped the ban on pyrokinetics. Which made her wonder why bad matches were still hated among the elves. And twins, and Hope was the daughter was the daughter of a bad match and a twin. Naturally, she had very little friends. 

They had to stand in a room of below freezing temperatures, which didn't make too much sense to Hope, since they were testing for Pyrokinetics, but apparently, if someone is a Pyrokinetic, they will make the room really hot, maybe even on fire, so everyone had to carry a pack of frissyn. 

Then suddenly, fire sprouted everywhere. Everyone started to panic. Hope even heard people scream. Hope dug out her frissyn, and quickly put out the fire. 

She turned around to find Mavvy hot and sweating. 

"Well," Lady Alexine said. (does anyone know the mentor for ability detecting??) "Mavvy Anne Dawn, Level 3, Pyrokinetic." 

New character! Let me explain who they are (May be relevant later on. Who knows?" 

Mavvy Anne Dawn:

Level 3, Pyrokinetic

Parents: Sarene Everett Dawn (mom), Dared Lavene Dawn (dad), 

Siblings: Aron Federick Dawn (brother, 2 years old) 

I'm sorry that I didn't post for a while, I was busy. Anyway, see you people next week! Goodbye!! 

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