Chapter 13 - Sophie and Keefe

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Sophie POV

Sophie practically bolted out the room after dinner. She hurried in her personal office.

She couldn't believe it.

The Neverseen are back. Better than ever.

Sophie already killed Lady Gisela...

A rush of guilt nearly knocked her over, she killed someone. She didn't care if the person was good or bad, but she did something horrible. She didn't know how anyone could stand being near her, much less marrying her and having kids.

Sophie collapsed on her chair, and clutched her heart.

You are a horrible person. Her head echoed. You are even worse than Lady Gisela!

No no no no no. Sophie thought, Lady Gisela killed many more people, and probably even more if I didn't stop it.

Doesn't make you a better person. The voice said. Sophie tried to shake it out of her head, but it kept reserfacing, making her feel ever bit of shame she was supposed to.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Flashback - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Lady Gisela held her son at knife point. Keefe struggled, but Lady Gisela was too strong.

Keefe and Sophie were officially dating, and seeing him like this mad her so mad.

"Let. Him. Go." Sophie spat, and Lady Gisela only tightened her grip.

"He's your son, do you really want to do this." Linh growled, she was behind Sophie.

Lady Gisela laughed and released Keefe, who stumbled back in the group, struggling to breathe.
Oh you foolish kids, you'll never understand. But whatever, I'm done. It's been fun, children." Lady Gisela cackled ad she summoned about ten other Neverseen members. "Time to die."

Sophie and her friends whipped out their daggers, and the Neverseen came charging. Lady Gisela slashed her dagger at Sophie, and Sophie easily blocked with Hope.

They had finally started training again, and Sophie had never been more grateful to have it. Hope was now much easier to wield, and she easily countered Lady Gisela's attacks, who looked very surprised.

"Looks like you trained, Sophie, but you will never win." Lady Gisela growled, and hurled a throwing star at Sophie. Sophie caught it with her telekinisis, but she almost died. Lady Gisela growled in frustration.

Sophie tucked the throwing star in her pocket, she caught a glimpse of her friends, who were busy tackling the black hooded elves.

That's when Sophie inflicted, and she had never been so angry.

Emotions flooded out of her, making Sophie want to scream. She used every bit of her resentment, that had been carrying with her for...

What seemed like forever. Anger, fear, sadness, frustration, hopelessness, every negative emotion hurled at Lady Gisela, who doubled over in pain.

It felt like she was replaying the worst moments of her life.

When she had to leave her family.

When her human mom wished she was more like Amy.

Kids at school bullying her for being different.

When she was kidnapped and they threatened to kill Dex.

When Keefe ran away twice.

When she lost another battle against the Neverseen.

When she lost Kenrick, Calla, Mr. Forkle, some dwarves, Silveny, Brielle, and even Jolie and Cyrah, who she never met.

When she found out Councillor Oralie was her biological mother.

When Fitz yelled at her.

And so, so much more.

When her vision finally cleared, she first saw Lady Gisela, collapsed on the floor, her skin was deathly pale.

Everyone, including the Neverseen, stopped fighting. They stared at what just happened.

The Neverseen quickly light leaped away in fear.

Sophie staggered back, and hit Calla's tree, Keefe checked his mother's pulse.

"She's... dead." Keefe muttered.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Present: Keefe POV.

Keefe poked into Sophie's office, and found Sophie staring at a pile of papers, and wasn't even working on it.

He put a hand on his wife's shoulder, and she jumped. "Keefe!" She exclaimed.

"Sorry, my bad." Keefe smirked, but it quickly melted away when she sensed her emotions.


"Sophie, are you okay?" Keefe asked, concern laced in his words.

"I'm fine-really Keefe!" Sophie replied.

"Then why am I feeling so much guilt? Sophie, you know that's dangerous." Keefe said.

Sophie sighed. "I know, I'll fix it."

Keefe felt sadness now, but there was still lingering guilt. "Good, and just so you know, it's not your fault. You were trying to disarm her, but then..." he stopped.

"Okay, thank you Keefe." Sophie smiled, and Keefe stepped out of the room.

He walked towards his son's room.

He found his son sitting on his old desk, also piling with Elite Tower homework.

"Hey Asher!" Keefe gave his son a hug, and he could feel his son melting in it. "Do you need help?"

"No dad, this is just test preperation, just to help me." Asher showed Keefe, and he understood it.

"Okay," Keefe walked out of the room, feeling more happier than ever, now that his family was together again.


800 words!

I speedrun this chapter, since people are visiting us right now, and I had to get this out. But I hope you enjoy it!

The Neverseen are back! And you get to see your favorite characters depressed, 😈 just like Stellarlune (it was so depressing, like help)

Anyways, thank you for this many reads! I'm so glad I have so many! Tysm!!!

Until next time, bye!!

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