Chapter 11 - Asher

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Hey fellow readers! I'm going to be writing Asher's pov, and I'm going to be writing in 1st perspective because it will make this chapter easier for me. And better.

Have fun reading!

Elite levels sucks. And I don't just mean that there is so much work, (which there is) I mean about basically everything else.

First of all, I miss my mom's food. I don't know what the mentors are feeding us, but it's not edible. Like the food in the other levels were fine, but what did they do? Add a drop of poison?

Secondly, the council is watching me like a hawk. Every step I take, every word I say, as if they wanted me to go to Exile. They probably do.

But I am super excited. After months of not being able to leave the silver tower, I am finally allowed to visit my parents and my younger sisters!

But when I get home, I am going to first give my parents a lecture. Basically, in history of the Silver Towers, we learnt about the Neverseen and my parents and their friends.

How could they not tell they saved the world when they were younger and how my mom did serious butt-kicking when she was 16? So unfair.

I quickly packed up my bags and was ready to leave. I told the security guard that I was given permission to go visit my family, and he allowed me. With a disgusted face.

I was used to that face. My parents are a bad match and I have twins as siblings. Naomi and I have two abilities, and we are not even polyglots! And after learning about my parents, I understood. Sorta. Actually, not at all. My parents saved your life, and you hate them? How?!

I headed to the leapmaster and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Not the: Omg! They are so hot! I love them so much! I mean like the: Whatever is going to happen is going to be amazing and I am going to explode with pure joy. I am so homesick.

"Lushtree!" I called and the swirling lights took me away.


I shimmered on the pathway leading to the huge doors of Lushtree. I knocked the door (Does anyone know if elves have like doorbells, or they just knock. Can someone tell me?)

After a couple of seconds, the door swung open and I was crushed with a hug.

"Hi... mom... can't...breathe.......too......tight." I choked. My mom immediatly realeased me.

She looked so dazzling. She was wearing a very simple red dress with boots. Her hair was in a braid. Her smile could light up the whole world. My mom is the best gift the world has ever recieved.

"I haven't seen you in so long Asher! Are you okay? How is the elite levels going? Have you ate yet?" My mom bombarded me with questions.

"It's nice to see you too, I'm fine. Elite levels are...pretty rough. And no, I haven't eaten. Please tell me you have ripplefluffs and lushberry juice." I replied. My mom waved me in and sat me down. She whipped up some ripplefluffs and two lushberry juices out of no where.

"Where is everyone else?" I asked.

"They went to Atlantis. They wanted Hope to feel super happy. I had some.... work to do." she answered.

"Oh." I said. "Also, how could you not tell me?!"

Her smile dissapeared. "I'm assuming you know."

"Of course I do! We learn in History!" I replied. Anger flushed through me, but it slowly washed away when I saw the look on her face. This must be hard for her. She didn't have a normal childhood. At all.

"I'm sorry Asher." My mom held my hands. Her hands were so warm and nice it made all of the anger dissipate completely. "It's hard. And I don't want you and the twins having a life thinking of what a cruel place this world is."

"I already knew that since you and dad are a bad match." I retorted. There was silence.

"It's hard. I never ever want you, my children," she paused, as if she couldn't believe she had children,"to have a rough childhood like I and your dad had. I love you so much, and I only want the best for you. I just couldn't share it, it would break my heart seeing you pity or feel sad because of the past. I'm sorry again, my son."

She squeezed my hand and let go. "We can talk about this later. I need to go... attend something, for Team Valiant. Your dad and sisters will be home soon. I set more ripplefluffs and mallowmelt as well if you want some on the countertop." She kissed me on the forehead. "I love you so much Asher.

She spun her pathfinder towards... somewhere and glittered away.

803 words!! Yay!!

Another chapter is finally done! I couldn't post this yesterday, because I was busy, and I am up late on Saturday finishing this story. I'm so tired, I slept horribly yesterday.

Thank you so much on all the nice comments, on voting on my chapters, and even following it or adding it to your library! It makes my day! I'm so grateful!

I'm going to catch some sleep (Or should I say z :-), sorry lmao I had too), so see you next week. Love ya! Byeee!!

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