Chapter 20 - Asher

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Once again, Asher felt homesick.

He coursed through his classes, but it felt like a blur. He passed all of the courses with flying colors, especially elvin history since he would hail his mom when he had questions. 

That night, Asher hailed his dad. "Hi, dad." 

Keefe's face brightened when she saw him. "Hi Asher, what's wrong?" 

"I miss home. How's Naomi and Hope?" Asher asked.

Keefe looked confused. "Are you and Naomi in on this joke?" 

"What do you mean?" Now Asher was confused. 

"There is no one called Hope, Asher. I only have you and Naomi." Keefe stated. 

"WHAT?" Asher yelled. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" 

"Are you okay? Do you need to go to the infirmary?" Keefe asked softly.

"No, I don't," Asher said, "Are you?" 

Keefe raised an eyebrow. "I am okay. Ask your friends if you don't believe me." 

"I will," Asher promised. He turned off his imparter, and his dad vanished. What could he possibly mean that Hope didn't exist?

- - - - - - - - 

True to his mom's word, everyone was convinced his little sister didn't exist. In fact, he was requested to go to the infirmary multiple times, and people gave him pitying looks. A

Asher started to believe them. What if Hope didn't exist? Was he imagining it this whole time? For thirteen years?

No, no no no...  He thought. That's not possible. 

He entered the infirmary and found his little sister, Naomi, sitting on a cot crying. Elwin was rummaging through his elixirs, and Bullhorn was sat on his shoulder. 

Asher ran to Naomi's side. "What happened, are you okay?" 

Elwin turned around. "Oh! Hi Asher! Nice to see you here. Please talk to your sister, then I'll help you. Unless you are hurt." 

Asher shook his head. "I'm... fine. I'll wait." 

Naomi finally looked up and looked at Asher. "You remember her, right?" 

Asher paused, not able to understand for a moment. Then he realized she was talking about Hope. "You remember Hope?" 

Naomi's eyes twinkled. "What happened to her?" 

"Woah, woah, woah. Both of you making up Hope?" Elwin interjected.

"We are not making her up! Something happened to her, and suddenly no one can remember her!" Naomi snapped. 

Asher put an arm around her. "We can't just imagine something for 13 years."

Elwin sat down. "No, you're right. That is not possible. That's why I am confused. I can't remember anyone named 'Hope'-"

His face changed. "Wait..." 

Asher and Naomi waited patiently. 

"D-Did she goes unconscious for... two months?" Elwin asked quietly.

Naomi straightened. "She did. What else do you remember?" 

"She.... looked nothing like you... except for your pale skin tone...I think." Elwin said, sounding more confident.

Naomi snapped her fingers. "It's like a catapult. You remember her, but you need something to trigger it." 

Asher asked, "Yes, but.. what happened?" 

Thank you for reading! 

Thank you so much for being patient with me, and I forgot about this story. And also, I just had no idea what to write. Honestly, do not listen to my promises, because I will forget about them. 

I have 6 things to talk about:

1. I have hit 1 thousand reads! Thank you so much! I am so grateful, and I'm so glad you like it :D

2. I know I forgot the question of the week last week, and I'm so sorry!

3. There will be only around thirty chapters to this story, so it's not going to be a massive one. I will try to finish this story in around August. 

4. I did a special Edaline some time ago. If you would like any at any point in time, just drop a comment! I might do it!

5. The perspectives are mostly going to be Asher, Hope, and Naomi from now on. I'll probably do one more chapter for Sophie, but then I wont be doing Sophie and Keefe anymore. 

6. If you read all of the points, thanks, you're awesome! :D

Question of the week: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? 

A: I would go to New Zealand! 

Anyway, thank you for reading! See you in the next chapter (I'm not discontinuing, if you were wondering. I just need inspiration to write)!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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