Chapter 18 - Hope

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True to his word, Martyn came to Foxfire the next day. 

During lunch, he found the boy wandering around with a plate of food, looking for somewhere to sit. A lot of people looked at him weirdly, but  Hope and her friends invited Martyn over. Except, of course, Naomi. 

"Why do you hate Martyn so much?" Karive asked. "What, do you like him?" 

Hope, Karive, and Mavvy started laughing at Naomi, and she scowled. "I don't!"

Martyn set his tray next to Naomi, who stared at him. "Hello!" 

Karive smiled. "Hi Martyn, welcome to Foxfire. How is it so far?" 

"I had a session with Lady Galvin. I think she likes me!" Martyn exclaimed.

Karive laughed. "You'd be the first. Maybe you can be her star  prodigy!" 

After a while of talking about Foxfire, the bell chimed, signaling the end of lunch. Hope couldn't help groaning. Like Martyn, she had alchemy with Lady Galvin.

She was probably going to mess up and burn her cape or something. 

Hope, Mavvy, Karive, Naomi, and Martyn left the table in search of their next classes. 

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When Hope arrived at Alchemy, Lady Galvin immediately scowled at her appearance.

"You again? Hello, Hope Foster. Ready for your session?" She asked, annoyed. 

Hope gritted her teeth. "I'm fine, Lady Galvin." 

"Great! Let's start, now-" Lady Galvin said, but Hope tuned her out. She was going to probably give her a two-hour lecture on the different brass or whatever. Honestly, Hope couldn't care less. She would much rather be at ability detecting. Why did she have to put up with this teacher? 

Like Hope thought, Lady Galvin spent the rest of the class lecturing her on the different effects of different elements, and Hope tried to pay attention since she was a good prodigy. But as hard as she tried, she couldn't do it. 

Thankfully, after this, she would have study hall, and she could pass the time talking to her friends. 

Eventually, study hall rolled around, and Hope felt relieved. 

Until her enemy, Sylvia Marb came. 

"Who's the new kid, is he also a mistake?" Sylvia asked, and her friends beside her giggled like imps. 

Of course, the teacher who was supposed to monitor the study hall didn't pay any attention to the behavior. 

"At least he isn't arrogant!" Karive snapped. "What, cat got your tongue? Sad that it's true?" 

Sylvia rolled her eyes. "I wouldn't be talking, Karive. You have the most controlling ability, like, ever! Didn't you once control the principal? Why would your friends hang out with you?"

Naomi stood up, balling her fists, but Hope ushered her down. She didn't need that drama right now. 

Hope opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She got that same dizzy feeling, like when she was about to pass out, like last time. Her vision blurred.

No no no no, Hope thought. I can't pass out again.

Fortunately, her vision cleared. But, everything was frozen. Mavvy was in mid-conversation with Sylvia. In the distance, a prodigy had dropped a pen, which hung in the air.

Then a scratchy voice came around Hope. You thought we were foolish, Hope Foster. But we found you out. We have come for you.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Came a bit late, but I had a lot going on during the weekend. Anyway, have a great day! Thanks for reading this chapter!

See you next week!

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