Special - Edaline

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5 years ago - Havenfield

Edaline had forgotten how good sitting in Calla's tree felt. 

The last time she sat there was when her adoptive daughter, Sophie Foster, had come to visit and she had gushed over how much she missed them, and everything about Havenfield. 

That was over 5 years ago. 

So, Edaline felt the need to sit at the tree and watch Wynn and Luna, some of the only alicorns left, hopping around giddily. 

They had grown extremely big over the years. 

Luna still looked like her name. She grew just as big as Silveny and looked so much like her that Edaline's heart hurt. 

Even if Silveny was extremely difficult to care for her, it was a lot of fun. Sophie had been a big help she was the one who found her. Wynn and Luna wouldn't eat anything for days, and Sophie felt extremely upset during those times. 

Then, out of nowhere, something roared in the distance, and Edaline jumped. 

"Edaline!" Her husband, Grady Ruewan, called. "I need help with Verdi!"

"Coming!" she yelled, and ran towards the sanctuary. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

"How do you manage not to get dinosaur feathers on you?" Grady grumbled as they went inside after wrestling with Verdi. 

Edaline laughed. "I guess I'm just better at taking care of Verdi than you, now, go take a shower, you stink."

Grady rolled his eyes and grumbled something under his breath. When Edaline glared at him, he retreated and went to take a shower. 

Edaline went to the kitchen and made some food. She also got her imparter and hailed Sophie. She called her almost every day since Sophie was so busy with being, well, Sophie, they barely had any time to meet up. So, Edaline decided that she would check on her every day. 

But when Sophie answered, Sophie wasn't on the screen.

"HI EDALINE!" Hope and Naomi were sitting on a bed, fighting to hold the imparter. 

Edaline smiled. Her daughter, since she was unmatchable, was a bad match with Keefe. But, she didn't care. When she gave birth to twins, she was extremely happy. A lot of people talked about her behind her back, since she was 'the councilor's most important member' she should not be a bad match. Edaline even heard someone say that she was a disgrace. 

Let's just say that woman didn't call Sophie that after she and Edaline had a very 'peaceful' chat. 

Keefe came on the screen. "Why are you fiddling with your mom's imparter?" 

"It was Naomi's idea!" Hope acknowledged, and Naomi pounced on her. They both fell on the bed, laughing and tackling each other. 

"Hey, break-! HEY, BREAK IT UP!" Keefe yelped, trying to separate them. 

Edaline was choking with laughter at that point. 

"What's happening?" Grady came in the room, wearing a fresh set of clothes, that was not covered in dinosaur spit and feathers. He saw what was happening, and laughed. 

Eventually, Keefe broke them up, and Naomi and Hope sat across from the bed, occasionally stealing a glance at each other and falling into a pit of giggles. 

"Hi Grady and Edaline," Keefe said, his hair messier than ever. 

He also had grown up a lot. He was extremely tall, at least 6,4 feet. And, so was Sophie. She was exactly 6,0 and Keefe constantly teased her for it. 

Keefe had also healed a lot. When he was sixteen, he was an emotional mess, and he had every right to be, as to what was going on with his mom. Then she died, and Keefe's mental health improved. He was able to sense emotions again and learned how to control his powers. He said that it was his powers, not his mom's and that the fact she gave it to him wasn't going to let him come up with mischief with it. 

Grady smiled. "Is this a daily thing, or are they both insane today? Is this how you and Sophie take care of your children?" 

Edaline nudged him in the stomach, and he let out an 'ouch!'.  "He means, how are you and Sophie doing? How's Asher?"

Just in time, Asher came on the screen, his ginger hair just like his dad's. "Hi, Edaline!" 

They talked for a bit, and eventually, Sophie came, and her hair was dripping wet after a shower.

Edaline went to bed an hour after Asher, Naomi, and Hope did, and she fell asleep thinking about them.

Hi! It's been a while!

I've been pretty busy, but in the middle of May, I promise you will get more chapters. 

Thank you for 700 reads! I'm extremely surprised my story came this far! Even if you just read this story, I will be very thankful. 

I probably will do a couple of Special chapters, until I figure out what to write next. It won't always be the same person. 

Thank you to Rainbowbeam300 for giving me the idea of Edaline's point of view! You can comment on some point of view you want to see, and I will consider it! 

Until next time, see you soon! Bye <3

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