Chapter 10 - Sophie

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Sophie rushed outside when she heard the words come from Elwin's mouth. Well, after telling her family that she would be right back.

She stepped outside and made sure no one followed her, just in case it was something that she couldn't tell anybody...

Sophie faced the wrinkly old man. "By looking at the expression on your face, it's not good. We have done this many times before. Just tell me straight away, you are going to have to tell me anyway."

"I guess thats true. We have updates on the islands that went missing." Mr. Forkle said.

"What islands?" Sophie asked.

"The islands that went missing when you were 15." Mr. Forkle replied.

"Those Islands? The Islands went missing 60 years ago! I'm around 75!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Yeah, Amy said she had suspicions that the Neverseen came back, but I wasn't sure until I remembered the islands. Everyone thought they sank in the sea, but it turned out they were moved."

"Huh? How?"

"I don't know, but when I was exploring the islands, I found something." Mr. Forkle dug in his cloak and held out a piece of fabric.

A cloak.

Sophie grabbed it and saw the terrifying symbol. The white eye.

Mr. Forkle put a hand on her shoulders. "It isn't one hundred percent confirmed. Do you know any way to test how old it is?"

Sophie thought for a second. "I can only think of human technology."

"That's fine. Just test it. I think this would be a good time to practice your new ability."

"I have been, just in case. Everyday, I have been waiting for the Neverseen to come back again." Sophie said, she held up her hand and let a flower bloom across her hand. She quickly whipped it away before anyone could see.

Mr. Forkle held her hands. "It's good that you can control it. I knew it would come with challenges since it's nature. It has a mind of it's own. It's even harder to deal with fire since it has a mind of it's own. I'm proud of you Sophie."

Sophie smiled. "I didn't really have a choice. I'm stuck with these abilities."

"I'm sorry Sophie." Mr Forkle mumbled.

Sophie shrugged.

"Go to your family, enjoy." Mr. Forkle said.

Sophie started to walk away until Mr. Forkle called her name.

"What?" Sophie asked.

"Don't tell this to anyone. We are not a hundred percent sure about this yet. And you don't want to tell them especially of how they reacted about burning down the storage house."

"Another secret. Yay!" Sophie cheered.

Mr. Forkle laughed. "Go talk to your family."

Sophie waved to Mr. Forkle as she asked Elwin, "Is Hope allowed to come home?"

"Yeah, everything seems normal. Just remember to drink a bottle of youth everyday." Elwin replied.

"Great! Kids, let's go! You too Keefe." Sophie said. And they all locked hands as they leaped home.

Another chapter is done! I was so excited to show a concept of Sophie having a new ability, and I decided that maybe, Sophie could use vines to strangle the Neverseen to death :D

Also, I think I might do like a character guide because I totally forgot you guys might be so confused on who is who. I'm sorry :(

I hope yall are having a great 2024 so far. See you guys next time! Bye!

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