Chapter 6 - Hope

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"What is happening?!" Naomi yelled, sprinting over to where their parents left.

"We are home alone." Hope mumbled. "Mom and Dad never let us stay home alone."

"I'm more surprised that they have kept so many secrets from us," Naomi growled.

"What do you mean?" Hope asked.

"Haven't you noticed? Well for a start, Councillor Fitz said and I quote, 'You didn't tell them?" And Dad said something about him not wanting him to relive it, what does that mean Hope? 2. Mom has a blue Pathfinder. I don't know about when Mom and Dad were kids, but it is only for the council. The council Hope! And last time I checked, mom is not a Councillor and she has a full-on family." Naomi said, surprisingly very angrily.

"I have felt that for a while." Hope admitted. "Whenever I couldn't sleep, I hear mom and dad talking, and I heard mom once saying-" Hope couldn't finish it, not because she didn't want to, but it felt like her energy was zapped away, and her mind was spinning. Hope stumbled back and latched onto the table.

"What did they say?" Naomi said, and then turned around and saw Hope very dizzily clutching the table. "Are you okay Hope?"

Hope couldn't answer. It felt like her voice had been ripped to parts. She collapsed to the floor and everything turned black, and suddenly, she was standing in a different room, looking at a young handsome man on a chair on what seemed to be a porch. He was smiling so brightly, which reminded her of her dad.

Wait- that is her dad.

Hope panicked and tried to move, and she did, but she couldn't see herself.

Was this heaven? How did she even die?

But all of those thoughts disappeared when she saw her past mom and dad holding hands.

The scene changed.

Now Hope was watching a young Sophie and a handsome young brunette patting Sophie on the back while she cried into his shoulder.

Hope looked around, she saw a couple of extremely small houses with a weird black land and a white walkway thing.

Then she realized she was in a human city.

The boy stroked Hope's mom's back, and before Hope could ask anything, the scene changed.

This time she was in a much darker, room but she could still see.

Hope walked, or well, floated towards the light and first saw a young boy with stunning silver-tipped bangs and glowing bonds around his hands. Hope looked around and saw her dad sitting on a white throne, with a very stern look on his face, and a woman in a long dark cloak with a creepy white eye symbol on the sleeve, standing right in front of him.

Hope tried to reach for her dad, but then suddenly, as if Hope had pressed a 'play' button, the woman started speaking.

"I resigned myself to the role of the 'bad guy' long ago, Keefe. It's unfair. And inaccurate. But if that's how you need to see me to process what's about to happen-so be it." The lady said.

Bad guy? What does she mean?

"Uh, it's not about what I need. Like... are you seeing this situation? You attacked all of my friends. Left them all unconscious over there-" Hope's dad argued.

"Not all of them," The woman cut off her dad. "Sophie's" Hope's heart skipped a beat when she heard her mom's name.

Is this a real memory? Are all of these real memories?

"-still awake for now. In case we need her." The strange woman continued.

Hope was so confused. But all she knew was that she wanted to get out of this weird place-memory-whatever it's called.

"Need me for what?" Someone called and Hope looked in the direction of the voice and she felt her heart drop. Her mom was tied up and pressed to the floor by some weird dwarf.

"To ensure my son cooperates."

The lady said that in a weird, dark voice which made Hope reconsider the whole, "Elf's minds are too weak to comprehend death or guilt."

And just as Hope got interested in what happened next, something yanked her back to reality.

Hope was in her bedroom, and was in her pajamas.

How did she get here? When did she change? Who changed her?

But when she looked around, she realized she was in the Foxfire healing center and was in a weird healing gown. She had never been to the healing center and didn't know who was in charge of it.

Some weird guy stepped into the room with cool glasses and messy brown hair. Then he gasped when she saw her awake.

"How are you awake.." He murmured.

"What?" Hope said sleepily.

"Hope, you have been asleep for 3 months."

Hey guys! I am so sorry about like the whole cutting-off thing. I told you I would finish! And I promise I did do it before! But Wattpad was just like "no." and off like half of my story 😭. But at least I finished it. And guys, I have over a hundred reads!! THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS MEANS THE WORLD TO ME!!

Also happy late Thanksgiving, and I am going to try to post substitute chapters, but not on Tuesday. Tuesday is my birthday!

And by the way, the flashback memory thingies were kind of not really excerpts from the actual Keeper of the Lost Cities books, so like, give credit to Shannon Messenger for those! I am sorry again for not posting for a while, I have been extremely busy. (and I forgot this story existed) I just might as well be the slowest writer in the world 😭.

Also, I have a question, how do you think Sophie and her friends' kids should figure out the whole Neverseen thing? Let me know! And another question (kinda random), what's your zodiac sign? Mines Saggitarius!

Anyway, see you next time! Bye! (I promise there will be a next time, I love writing this story!)

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