Chapter 3 - Sophie

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"What's on your mind Foster?" Keefe asked as he came into the room. He had left to do some nobility work and Sophie had just been sitting there, staring at the wall.

He fanned the air. "And clearly whatever it is, it's something that you are worried about."

Sophie sighed. "Do you remember Gethen? And Trix?"

Keefe went pale. "Yeah, of course I do. How could I forget?"

Sophie tugged on an eyelash, so hard that it made her wince as she flicked it away. "I just keep imagining they will come back someday."

Keefe straightened. "What do you mean?"

Sophie sighed. "After we captured Lady Gisela," Keefe winced at the sound of her mom's name. "We never found Gethen and Trix and the other Neverseen members. I feel like they will come back someday, for me. And even worse, for our children."

Keefe considered that. Then he shook his head. "There is absolutely no way. We haven't seen them in years Sophie. Why would they come back now?"

Sophie nodded as Keefe stood up and took off his cape. "You're right. They won't come back. After all, why would they?"

Keefe squinted his eyes at Sophie, like he could hear the build up of worry that was forming in her mind.

Sophie shook her head, trying to get the thought of the Neverseen out of her head. "I'm going to go make some Mallowmelt, for the kids so they can celebrate."

Keefe nodded. "I'm going to go take shower."


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"Hi mom!" Someone yelled behind her, making Sophie nearly drop the tray of mallowmelt she was placing on the table.

Sophie sat down the mallowmelt, and turned around to find Naomi and Hope both back from Foxfire.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" Naomi bit her lip.

Sophie smiled. "It's fine. How was midterms?"

Hope sighed and plopped down in front of her and took a piece of mallowmelt. "I'm going to be completely honest to you. I don't know how I did."

Naomi took a seat next to her. "I'm sure you did fine. But I'm sure I did great!"

Sophie laughed. "Well that's good to hear. And Hope, honey, you'll be fine."

Hope gulped. "Sure."

Naomi rolled her eyes. "Okay Miss. Dramatic."

Hope nudged her."Hey! I'm not dramatic!"

"Surreeee. Whatever you say girl." Naomi said, shoving another piece of mallowmelt in her mouth.

Hope scowled.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it!" Naomi shouted, before anyone could say anything. She opened the door and gasped.

"Who is it?"

"It's this old wrinkly dude." Naomi said, confused. "I think he had one too many ruckleberries."

Mr. Forkle shuffled into the room. "I need to talk to you Sophie, and it has to do with your sister, Amy."

Another chapter is done!

Thank you for all the kind comments it means a lot 🥹. (Only one person commented, but thank you to that person, I was kind of doubting if this book was good or not, and that comment made me so happy 😊)

Also, I will not be posting this Saturday because I am going on a camping trip, so I will try to post that chapter before or after I go.

And 29 reads!? Thank you so much 😭!! You guys are the best 😭

See you guys next time! (I am currently under the weather, so I didn't edit the last 2 chapters. Sorry 😞)

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