Author's note

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Hello, Moonlight here. 

There will be no chapter this week, but I wanted to give a message. 

Thank you all for reading the story, and if you havecome this far, I appreciate you so much. 

I love writing so much, and it brings me so much joy when people read my stories and add them to their reading lists, like the story, comment, or just even read the chapter. 

I'm so grateful for all of you, and I wanted to say everyone out there is amazing. 

You can do great things in life if you put your mind to it. Stay happy :D

I'm almost at a thousand reads! I never thought I would get this far, but here we are. Currently as I'm writing this, I have 984 reads. So close to 1000! 

I've been getting so many notifications of people adding this book to their reading list, and I feel like I am on cloud nine everytime I read those notifications. Thank you all! 

From now on, every time I post a chapter, I'm going to ask a question. Just for a fun :D

If you read this Author's note, thank you so much. Really kind of you. Alright, see you next week!

Q: What is the most recent book you finished recently. 

A: I finished Catching Fire in the Hunger Games today (June 1, I published this book at a later time), and it was soo good!

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