Chapter 7 - Naomi

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Naomi sat in her bed.

She was supposed to be asleep over an hour ago.

But she couldn't stop thinking about that night when Hope fell unconscious.

What happened that night?

Well, she already knew the answer to that.

Hope fell to the floor, and when Naomi over to see what happened, she immediately whipped her hand away because her body felt like it had become Antarctica.

She. Was. So. Fricking. Cold.

Naomi rushed over to find her imparter, which took her atleast 10 minutes, because, her importer was under her fricking pillow!

So frustrating!

She tried to hail her mom, but she left importer at home. Then she tried hailing her dad and councilor Fitz (she had his for 'emergencies' but she never understood why.) and surprise surprise, they didn't answer.

So, she decided to hail her uncle, Dex Vacker, to see if he could do something.

"Show me Dex Vacker." Naomi called into the imparter, impatiently.

Dex's face appeared onto the little screen. "Hi Naomi. Is there something wrong?"

"Can you please come to lush tree? Quickly !" Hope panicked.

Dee looked surprised by her out burst. "What's wrong? Where's Keefe and Sophie?"

Naomi lost it. "I don't know" she rambled. "Mom and Dad and councillor Fitz went to go see 'her sister' with a strange man and Hope passed out and-" the rest of her sentence dissolved into sobbing.

"Okay." Dex said, very calmly. "Calm down Naomi, Marylin, Aunt Biana, Clovis and I are coming. Just calm down and drink some Youth."

Her uncle dissapeared from the screen and Naomi heavily sat back on the dining table. And one question spirled in her mind the whole time.

Is Hope going to be okay?

"I'm here" A voice said, and 4 people came rushing into the room.

Marylin rushed towards Naomi and gave her a hug. "Everything's going to be okay" but even she didn't look that sure when she saw how pale Hope looked.

"Biana, can you call Elwin?" Dex asked, trying to figure out what to do with Hope.

"Sure." Biana said, rushing into another room with her imparter.

A couple of minutes later, a man with scruffy brown hair and with huge glasses knocked on the front door.

Dex opened the door and 'Elwin' rushed inside.

"Wait, I know you." Naomi said, when Elwin leaned over Hope. "Aren't you the school's physician."

Elwin nodded, but still kept right on staring at Hope. "Funny you haven't seen me before, given your mother's past."

Dex and Biana stifled a laugh.

"Okay what is it with my mom's past?" Naomi asked. "I'm so confused."

"I agree. Dad and mom. You have been hiding to much from me and Clovis. We deserve to know. And mom, I know you think that I don't know but I do. Where did you get those scars from?" Marylin asked, backing up Naomi.

Biana gasped. Dex sighed. "Let's handle this situation first and then we can discuss."

Elwin nodded. "Dex, can you help me transport Hope to the Healing center?"

Dex nodded.

Biana cleared her throat. "I'll contact Sophie."

Dex nodded then turned towards Naomi. "Go to your room. Clovis and Marylin, go there too. Or the guest room if you need space."

Naomi fidgeted with her cloak. "You can come to my room."

Marylin put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure your sister will be fine. Maybe she was shocked!"

Naomi doubted that, but still shook her head, they went upstairs-

Naomi shoved the memory away from her mind, she hated thinking about what happened that day. She hadn't been able to stop thinking about it, and she hated that.

Naomi snuggled in her covers and squeezed her dinosaur stuffed animal that the physician Elwin gave to her when she came to check on Hope. Which she eventually changed the name to Leo, since the name Elwin gave it was very...


And while she was there, Elwin told her about how her mom and dad their own stuffed animals, so did most of her uncles and aunts.

At least now she knows something happened in their past.

And with all the 'evidence' she gathered, it was something very traumatizing and bad.

Hey guys! I know I said I would post in a few days... and I didn't butt I have a good reason. I had like a million tests that I had to take and not just in school, and my mom made me study and study, and hey! More studying! And also, 131 reads!? You guys are amazing!!! Tysm!

Next part in 35684626848 years! Bye, see you next time!

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