Chapter 5 - Hope

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"Why are you looking at each other like that?" Naomi asked.

"Did the man say anything about what he was going to talk about with Sophie?" Keefe asked, completely ignoring Naomi's question.

"He said something about Mom's sister, 'Amy'" Naomi said as she did air quotes. "Isn't mom an only child?"

Fitz whipped around to meet his best friend's eyes. "You didn't tell them?"

Keefe sighed. "It's too hard to talk about. I don't want to relive it. I was thinking we could move on."

"Yeah but what if they come back or something?" Fitz asked.

"Fitz, they are dead. And the rest have missing and also might be dead. There is no way they are coming back." Keefe said coldly.

"About what!? What are you guys talking about!? Who's dead? Who's Amy? What are you hiding from us?" Hope asked.

Keefe sighed." I'll tell you later mini-Foster, I need to go talk to your mom."

Just as Keefe was going to open the door to where the man and Hope's mom was talking, Sophie barged out and ran to her office, and Hope saw her unlock a cabinet with a key, and took out a blue Pathfinder. And as Hope got a closer look, she saw a black square and weird cord things, and had writing on it, but Hope couldn't read it since it was written in a different language. Naomi gasped behind her as she noticed that too.

Keefe stepped in front of Sophie as she spun her blue Pathfinder."Where are you going?"

Sophie handed Keefe a piece of paper, which she had seen Dex have before, and he said it is called a"newspaper". Hope couldn't read what was written on it, since it was a different language, but there was a huge picture with a piece of cloth with a weird white eye staring back at he dad. Keefe gasped as he realized what it was an handed it to Fitz, who's eyes had widened and he also gasped.

"I'm coming with you." Keefe said.

"Fine." Sophie said. "Fitz, Keep an eye on the kids, and Mr. Forkle, tell all of my friends."

Fitz and "Mr. Forkle" nodded.

"What's happening?" Naomi asked. But it was too late, the light zipped away their parents.

Another chapter done!!! I'm sorry I have been so lazy 😭😭. I forgot about this and then I had to go camping and I just got back today and I am sooo tired 😭 I got 9 hours of sleep in 3 days. 😭 I don't think that's very healthy.

I'll try to post more chapters but no promises.

I can't wait to show you what happens next!

Anyways sorry again! See you next week!!

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