blue eyed blondie.

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CHAPTER FIVEblue eyed blondie

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blue eyed blondie

Eleanor wishes break could last longer, she'd rather spend more time at home, with her friends, with Ricky.

Sure, that will happen at school aswell, but with the musical coming up they all will be busy again.

But unfortunately that isn't happening, because right now she's back at school.

Currently Eleanor is standing by her locker, putting some of her stuff away when suddenly she hears a from behind her.

"Hey, sorry do you know when the auditions for the musical are? like what time?" Eleanor closes her locker to turn around.

Standing there is a girl who's slightly taller then her. She has blonde, curled hair which is tied into a ponytail. She's wearing a light blue dress which matches the color of her eyes.

"Oh wait," The girl suddenly realizes something. "Aren't you the girl who played Gabriella last year?"

Eleanor smiles awkwardly, She isn't used to people recognizing her for that. "Uhm yeah. That would be me."

"Oh well then it's a good thing you're not audition for this musical." Lily laughs slightly as Eleanor her smile fades.

"I'm sorry?" Ellie asks, what does she mean by that?

"Well no offence but it's clearly you don't belong on a stage. You can probably better watch." Lily tells her. "I mean, the only reason you got cast is because you're soulmates with Richie, I heard."


Eleanor stares at the girl, not sure what she can say to that. Is that really the only reason she was cast?

" I mean it's clear why he got Troy. He got the voice and the looks, he is pretty cute. Do you you by any chance know if he is auditioning? Maybe I can talk to him there." She continues.

Eleanor her insecure stare turns into a glare. Lily knows they're soulmates, so why is she calling him cute infront of her?

"Oh he is auditioning. So am I by the way,  so I guess I'll see you at auditions." She raises her bag over her shoulder and is about to walk away when she grabs Ellie's wrist, stopping her from walking away.

"You are auditioning? Well that way it isn't fair for anyone else! Your teacher obviously has favorites, and she definetly will put you two as leads again. And not for your talent, which doesn't even excist. Only because of the fact you guys are soulmates." Lily huffs.

Eleanor rips her hand from hers. "I'm gonna try out for Belle, and if I get the role it is not because of Ricky, but because of my own talent."

"If I want something I'll get it. I want Belle, so I'll get it." Lily hisses. "I want Richie, so he will be mine aswell."

"We'll see about that." She shakes her head before walking away.

Eleanor turns around one last time to face the blonde. "Oh, his name is Ricky."

When Eleanor walks into the cafetaria she spots the group sitting at the usual tables they sit at at lunch.

She walks to the table where Ricky is sitting, he had kept a seat for her.

As soon as he spots her he removes his bag from the seat and the girl sita down.

"Are you okay, love?" Ricky asks. "You felt upset."

She gives him a small smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."

He frowns but realizes she doesn't want to talk about it so instead lays his arm around her waist and pulls her into his side.

The girl sighs softly as she rests her head on his shoulder.

The truth is, Lily's words did hit her. Is she right? Is the only reason she got the role because they are soulmates?

She hates how easily she lets other peoples opinions affect her. But how can she not?

That girl straight up looks like a disney princess, she surely would look beautifull in Belle's dress.

"Wanna hang out after school?" Ricky asks softly. "You feel like you could use a lot of hugs."

Eleanor nods her head. "Yes please."

"Okay um, sorry I've been trying to work up the courage to say this." Eleanor frowns as she looks at the blonde girl. You have to be kidding me.

"Okay I can't believe I'm standing infront of both Troy Boltons right now." Lily says excited.

Eleanor just blocks out the rest of what she's saying, instead grabbing Ricky's hand and playing with the rings on his fingers.

"El, picture." Ricky whispers towards his girlfriend, not wanting her to appear on instagram looking as sad as she does now.

The brunette looks up to see Lily holding up her phone, ready to take a selfie.

Eleanor makes no move to loft her head from his shoulder and instead forced a smile on her face as she takes a picture.

As soon as the photo is taken her smile falls from her face and she nuzzles closer into Ricky's body who leans down to press a kiss onto her head.

"See you guys at auditons!" Lily waves before walking away.

Yeah, Eleanor isn't sure if she would see her at auditions anymore.

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