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"Hey, Rick." Eleanor smiles, walking into the room he claimed, seeing him laying in bed wrapped in a blue with black blanket.

"Hi." He mumbles.

She frowns. "What's wrong?"

Eleanor walks to the bed, sitting down next to him with her legs crossed.


She smirks as she realized what's wrong. "You're upset I didn't want to share room, aren't you?"

He rolls his eyes. "It's gonna be torture! You're in the room next to me and I can't even hold you!" He says very, very dramatic.

"Well lucky for you I changed my mind." She grins, after all she said to Lynne Eleanor doubts sleeping in seperate beds will make her like her more.

His eyes lights up, obviously happy by her words. "Really? I would ask why you changed your mind but I won't in case you change your mind."

She chuckles, she is very glad she wouldn't have to explain the conversation she and his mom just had. "Guess I didn't want to miss out on cuddling aswell."

He grins. "Lets have a head start." He lifts one arm. "Come here."

She smiles as she moves into his embrace, giggling as he wraps the blanket about her aswell.

"Good night, Ellie." He whispers, pressing a kiss onto her head.

"Good night, Rick." She sighs softly. "I love you."


It's the next morning and the soulmates are still tangled up together in the blanket.

The door is suddenly opened, and Lynne is revealed. "Hi, wasn't sure if I should let you keep sleeping."

Lynne obviously is caught off guard when she spots Eleanor in bed with her son, but honestly Eleanor couldn't care any less.

"Just being a burrito here." Ricky chuckles. "It's cold in Chicago."

"Second that." Eleanor sighs, dropping her head back against his chest.

"Well I see you... two found a new blanket. Is it working?"

"It's good." Ricky looks back down to the blanket for a second. "Ellie's definetly helping aswell."

Lynne's face falls for a second before she forces a smile back on her face. It is clear she does not approve of the girl in his arms. "Well I was thinking that we could go out today. And I could show you the city. We could do it all, Deep dish, Millenium Park, The bean. You know, get some mother son time."

Ricky raises an eyebrow. "What about Eleanor?"

"We could do something tomorrow, I just wanted to spend some time together. Besides I'm guessing you two spend a lot of time together anyways."

"Actually, I'm feeling a bit jetlagged." Ricky lies, not liking how she is leaving his soulmate out. "But thanks."

"Yeah, okay." Lynne nods her head. "You do realize we're only an hour ahead of Salt Lake here, right?"

Ricky simply blinks at his mother.

"Okay, you should rest, just... I don't know. Holler if you need anything." Lynne closes the door behind her.

"I seriously don't understand why she is like that to you." Ricky shakes his head, letting go of her and sitting up.

"I might have called her a bad mom last night. Multiple times. That might be why." Eleanor admits, sitting up aswell.

"I'm sorry, what?" He asks, his eyes widden.

"In my defence, she made it pretty fucking clear she doesn't like me and does not want me here. She also said I changed you."

"You did change me-"

"Pardon?" Eleanor interrupts him.

Ricky playfully rolls his eyes, leaning forward and grabbing her hand. "You did change me, but for the better."

She frowns softly. "I did?"

He nods his head. "Before I met you I wasn't like this, I didn't have all the friends I do now, I was constantly skipping school to go smoke with Red. I wasn't like this at all. By meeting you I changed into the better, hell I even found out I like musicals now! Ellie, without you I wouldn't be who I am now. And that's a good thing."

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