birthday girl

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CHAPTER TWELVEbirthday girl

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birthday girl

Her birthday routine had pretty much always been the same. Seeing her mom works in a hospital, she was always in a hurry in the morning.

She'd get a 'happy birthday' kiss pressed against a cheek, then a promise that they'll celabrate her birthday tonight, but she knows her mom will be too tired and head to bed instead.

Then her dad- step dad. Would be gone even earlier, and she would spend her birthday mostly alone till Seb and Nathalie would arrive later on.

So she was prepared for all this too happen. Then why does she still feel dissapointed?

It had been this way for years, so this shouldn't come as a surprise and make her dissapointed, but it does.

Maybe she had the trust that this hear it would have been different.

But ofcourse it isn't.

How could she be so stupid to think it would be?

She sits on the couch, starring at the tv where tangled is paused not even ten minutes in.

Ricky doesn't even know she is alone right now, he thinks she is having a movie marathon with her mom, because that is what she told him. Even though she knew this was gonna happen.

She just didn't want to make him worry.

She sighs as she picks up her phone, Ricky is probablement waiting till she would call him while having a small break from the movies they are supposed to be watching.

She presses his contact and brings the phone towards her ear as she waits for him to answer.

"Hey birthday girl!" He says excited, probably more excited then he was for his own birthday over summer last year.

"Hey, Rick." She chuckles, leaning back against the couch.

"How's the movie marathon going? You're on the little mermaid now, right?" He asks.

Her smile falls from her face. "Uh, no we're still on tangled, we took a little break." She lies.

But ofcourse he could see right trough her. "Ellie?"

She sighs. "Fine. She had to leave for work."

"You're alone?" Ricky asks..

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