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Eleanor her fingers are moving over the chest of a still asleep Ricky. She's doing this in hopes of calming herself down.

She actually went to bed early, atleast early for her. Wanting to get a good night sleep before meeting her dad again.

Yet here she is, awake while it still is dark outside. Hell it's not even six yet, and the alarm isn't set for another five hours.

But she just can't sleep. She woke up about thirty minutes ago, and has been awake since.

She's worrying again. She doesn't know what to expect. The last time she saw him wasn't even 30 seconds long before she was forced up stairs.

And before that the last time she actually saw him, talked to him was when he left.

She has so many questions. What was the arguement really about? Why didn't het mom want him to see her again? She's still his daughter.

Will he have an new girlfriend? Wife maybe even? What of he started a new family and she suddenly has siblings?

What will he think of her? He knows that little girl, not the seventeen year old she is now. 

What if he doesn't like the way she turned out?

Maybe he doesn't want anything to do with her after knowing who she has became.

"Ellie," Ricky moves under her, his eyes half open from the fact he had just woken up. "I'm pretty sure it is not a normal thing for me to feel you freak out while I'm sleeping."

The brunette looks up at her soulmate. When did he wake up?  "It's not." She comfirms. "You're not supposed to feel my emotions while you're sleeping."

Ricky runs a hand trough his curls before bringing that hand down to rub his eyes. "What time is it?"

"A little over four." She informs him after looking at the screen of her Iphone.

He hums, shaking his head. "Sweetheart, you should be asleep right now, not freaking yourself out."

Eleanor sighs, she knows that. She does. But she just can't. She is so nervous to meet him again for whatever reason. "I know."

"Okay, you can vent, but then we're getting you back to sleep. I doubt it's a good idea you show up there on four hours of sleep."

She is quiet for a moment,  getting her thoughts sorted out. She has no idea where to start seeing she is having so many questions at once.

"I guess.. I just am worried. Or scared, scared that everything has changed. He is still my dad, but it doesn't feel that way. Those last years I have no clue what happened in his life. What if he has a new family? And then I show up. And not only that, but also the fact that it has been so long since we last saw each other, I changed, and I'm afraid he does not like who I am now."

"Eleanor. Neither of us know what is happening in his life currently," Ricky starts. "But you're right, he still is your dad and that will never change. No matter if he has a new relationship or kids, You're still his daughter and he wants to meet you. We know that because of the amount of times he showed up at your house.

And Ellie, you're the nicest girl I know. Their is nothing to not like about you, and if he does he is so fucking stupid. Ofcourse you changed, you grew up. You are seventeen, it's obvious you got different. And that is totally okay. He will think that aswell,  trust me."

Eleanor purses her lips, his words does make her feel better, but still there are some doubts inside of her.

"But... but what if you're wrong? What od he does not understand that and doesn't like me? I want him to like me, I really do."

"I know you do." He answers. "But there's only one way to find out if he does like you. We have to go see him. I'm with you trough every step, and if it does not go well we can leave instantly."

To be honest, Ricky isn't sure what to expect when they get to his house. But he believes, strongly believes that her father still loves her, and that he never did or will stop.

"Now how about we go back to sleep so you're well rested?" Ridky suggests.

Eleanor nods her head. "Okay."

It will all be okay. She has norhing to worry about. It's her father, he still is the same man she once new. Norhing changed between them, he will love her.

Oh how she wishes she actually believes that.

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