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CHAPTER SIXbreathing

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CHAPTER SIXbreathing

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TW panic attack

Breathe. Just breathe. Eleanor keeps telling herself this as she pushes open the door into the restroom.

She just got to breathe.

She really doesn't know why her words effect her so much. She doesn't even know the girl.

Eleanor went to auditions anyways, and as soon as she saw the blonde girl she instantly started doubting herself.

But it really happened when they were doing the groupnumber and Lily started singing.

Not only did she look like a disney princess, she sounds like one aswell.

And that's when she realized that Lily without a doubt would get Belle, and that her getting Gabriella probably in fact only was because of Ricky.

She started feeling a faint pain in her chest, she couldn't really focus anymore on anything except for the pain in her chest.

Having experienced this before, Eleanor quickly muttered something about going to the bathroom, and now she is here.

Her hand pressed against her chest, trying to get some air in her lungs, having little to no luck with that.

She stumbles to the sink, placing her hands on it as she forces her eyes shut, leaning forward.

She doesn't even hear the door open before she feels a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?"

She instantly turns around, pushing the hand off her as she tries to tell whoever it is to not touch her, but she can't get any words out.

"What's going on?" The unfamilliar voice asks again, once again reaching to touch Eleanor.

In which the girl shoves her away as she backs up against the wall, she doesn't want to be touched.

Why can't this person understand that?

"Okay, sorry." The girl named Maddie is starting to panick aswell, what can she do now? "Is there someone I should get?"

Eleanor isn't sure she wants to see anyone right now, not Seb who saw her have these attacks before, not Ricky who doesn't even know she has those.

She isn't sure what she wants.

Does she want Ricky right now? He always makes her feel better, but can he do that right now?

Speaking of Ricky.

Currently the boy is in the theatre where auditions were taking place, eyes filled with tears as he has no idea what's happening.

He feels so many emotions at once, panick, scared, anger, confusion, emotional.

"Ricky?" Miss Jenn asks, pushing trough the kids who were surrounding him. "Ricky, sweetheart what's going on?"

His hand is pressed against his chest where an dull pain is. "Can't- breathe." He manages to get out.

"Did something happen?" Miss Jenn asks, looking at the others in the room, noticing he has trouble talking.

Red shakes his head. "He was fine a minute ago!"

Seb scans the people, and that's when he realizes who's missing and what's wrong with Ricky.

"Where's Eleanor?"

Carlos turns to his boyfriend. "Right now is not the time to worry about her when Ricky can't breathe!"

"No- He can feel her. Where is she?" He asks, hoping someone has a answer.

"I believe she said she was going to the bathroom." Ej speaks up.

And Seb instantly takes off, checking the closest bathroom, and as soon as he opens the door he is met by his best friend on the floor, sitting against the wall, an unfamilliar girl kneeled infront of her.

He rushes forwards, kneeling down on her right. "Hey, Eleanor? can you hear me?"

The girl slightly nods her head.

Seb makes sure to not touch her, knowing she hates being touched while having a attack and could get agressive.

"Okay." He sighs. "Breathe in."

He notices her having trouble doing so. "It's okay, try again. Good, now hold it... And out."

He repeats saying that till the girl had manged to calm down a bit and is breathing better again.

Eleanor leans her head back, an headache already bothering her. "Seb?"

"Yeah, I'm here." He whispers back.

"How-" She clears her throat. "How did you know."

He decides that right now wouldn't be the best time to tell her that Ricky was experiencing her panick attack.

"Doesn't matter. Want me to take you home?"

She nods her head. "Yes please." She slowly stands up, her legs shaking a bit as she still feels the after math of her attack.

"Is she gonna be okay?" The girl asks Seb.

Seb gives her a smile. "Yeah, she will be."

Eleanor slowly looks at the girl. "I'm sorry for pushing you."

"Oh no! That's totally okay!" She quickly says.

"Thank you for trying to help.."


"Maddie." Eleanor repeats. "I'm Eleanor."

When Seb and Eleanor walk towards the bombshelter, Eleanor stays outaide while Seb goes inside to get there stuff and tell miss Jenn that he will drive her home.

The door opens, and she expects Seb but instead Ricky walks out.

"Seb told me what happened." He whispers. "He also told me not to touch you, so I won't. But are you okay?"

She nods her head. "Yeah, uh I'll be fine, I just have a headache and am really tired, but I'll be okay."

"Are you sure? That was... intense."

She frowns, he wasn't there, was he? Then her eyes widden. "Did you feel it?"

"Yeah." He admits. "I uh- I felt all of it, and feeling it caused me to panick." He whispers.

"You experienced my panick attack, didn't you?" That's how Seb knew, he saw Ricky. It's the only explanation.


She sighs as she closes her eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. It isn't something you can control. I'm just glad you're okay."

Ricky is shocked as the girl lunges forward, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

Seb had told him that she hated touch while and after the attack, so to make sure not to touch her.

But now she's hugging him. And he isn't sure if he should hug back, although he really wants to.

"Ricky." She whimpers softly. And that's when he hugs her back, closing his eyes as he tightens his grip on her.

He doesn't know what was scarier, that she had a panick attack and he could feel all of it.

Or that he couldn't help her because he was experiencing it.

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