kiss it better.

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CHAPTER ELEVENkiss it better

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kiss it better.

Eleanor finds herself walking the quiet streets of Salt Lake City

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Eleanor finds herself walking the quiet streets of Salt Lake City. She isn't sure what to do nor where to go.

She just knows she doesn't want to be at home right now.

She would've went to Ricky, but is almost sure he is asleep seeing he didn't text or call her about her feelings.

But she really wants to see him. But if he is asleep, she doesn't want to wake him.

But then where could she go? She doesn't feel close enough with someone else to ask to stay over.

Except for Seb, but walking to his farm is such a long way, she is way too tired for that, physically and mentally.

So she makes the choice to go to Ricky's anyways, besides, she doesn't have to wake him.

She knows where an extra key is, so she could use the key to quietly enter his house, sneak into his bed and cuddle him the whole night.

Because honestly she doesn't want to talk anyways, she just wants a hug.

So that is exactly what she does. She quietly unlocks and locked the door once she was inside.

Then made her way upstairs and gently made her way trough the mazes of boxes he still hadn't unpacked.

She finally makes it to his bed, and he indeed is asleep, looks like he has been our for a while, which would explain the no reaction on her emotions. If he is asleep he can't feel em.

She takes of her shoes and crawls in the bed next to him. He doesn't move from the extra weight added to his bed.

She lays down, nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck and closes her eyes as she interwines their legs.

When she wakes up the next morning, it is by an alarm going off.

Next to her Ricky had also woken up by his alarm, he was about to reach over but stops confusedly as he finds himself unable to fully turn on his side.

He only now seems to notice the weight on his chest, feeling another pair of legs interwined with his and the hot breath on his neck.

"Ellie?" He asks as he brings his hand up to rub sleep out of his eyes.

"Uhuh." She hums back. "Turn that thing off, please."

He reaches his hand out, luckily being able to turn it off this way.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asks, voice deep and raspy from the fact he just woke up.

Eleanor sighs softly as moves away from him, instead sitting up and leaning hed back against the headboard. "My dad, my birth dad was at my house last night."

Ricky frowns, also sitting up as he turns to face her. "Isn't that a good thing? You mentioned you wanted to see him again."

She nods, hand reaching out to his to take it in her hand as he lets her. "Yeah uh, my mom and him were yelling when I got home. When I walked in the livingroom, my step dad instantly forced me into my room, When I finally was allowed down stairs again he was gone. I didn't even get the chance ro talk to him."

Ricky watches as she plays with the ring on his finger, a habit she has whenever she is nervous or upset he had noticed. "I'm sorry, El. That sucks."

"I just want to talk to him. I wish my mom could just realize he isn't just her ex husband but also my dad." She admits.

He reaches out to her, pullong her into his chest as he rests his head ontop of hers. "I get that. Do you think you maybe could try to get in contact with him?"

"I know where he lives." She admits. "I may or may not have stalked his facebook. I just am to afraid to go to him for some reason."

"Don't want to see him alone?" Ricky guesses.

"Yeah, I know it is stupid. He is my dad afterall, but I haven't seen him in so long, I can't help to think what of he changed?"

"Which is totally reasonable." Ricky pulls back, caressing her cheek with one hand. "If you don't want to go alone, I'm willing to go with you."

"Really?" She whispers, for some reason not expecting he would do that for her.

He nods her head. "Ofcourse. Anything, you know that Ellie."

"I'd like that." She mutters. "He doesn't live in Salt Lake though, he lives like 3 hours away."

"Okay," Ricky removes his hand deom her cheek and instead places it on her waist. "I can drive us."

"Thank you." She sighs, leaning forward and gently kissing him for a few seconds.

"It's okay, really." He smiles softly, leaning his forehead against hers. "When do you want to go?"

She bites her lip. "Maybe next break?"

Rixky nods his head. "I'll probably have to go to my mom the first three days, but after that it could work."

"You're gonna see your mom?" Ellie questions.

"Yeah, me and my dad talked and figured it might be good if I went to see her for atleast a few days."

"And you are totally okay with that?" She tills her head at him.

"I know it will take time, a lot of time to get used to everything, but she's my mom, I still need to see her, want to see her. So yeah, I think I'm fine with it." He admits.

She nods her head, sighing as she looks at the clock. "I uh, should head home and get ready from school."

"I can drive you, just give me a few minutes to get dressed. " He tells her, practically jumping out of his bed to gwt dressed.

She looks at him with a smile on her face. He has this effect on her. Always manging to make her smile in every situation.

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