snowed in.

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CHAPTER TENsnowed in

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snowed in

Eleanor leans against Ricky as she listens to Gina ordering them what to do, currently they are at the school.

It is storming outside, and currently the theatre kids are snowed in at their school.

The brunette pulls the sleeves of Ricky's hoodie over her hands.

"So, wanna look for some flashlights?" Ricky gently nudges her to get her attention.

Eleanor looks up at her soulmate. "Yeah, let's go."

They enter the closet a few minutes later,  because they figured that's where the flashlights would be.

The door closes behind them as Ellie swirches the lightswitch and the small space is lightened up.

They starts looking in boxes for the items at different sides of the closet, making some smalltalk inbetween.

"Found them!" Eleanor announches, turning around with a box in her hands filled with flashlights. "Let's head back."

She starts walking towards the door, gaspinh as suddenly she is turned around, her back pressed against the door.

She looks up at Ricky who is towering over her, suddenly feeling shy as she makes eye contact.

"What, uh what are you doing?" She whispers nervously.

Ricky raises his eyebrows as her feeling get trough to him. "Are you seriously nervous right now? We have been in this position before, Baby."

Her cheeks heat up at his words. "Let's just go."

"Hmm, no. I want a kiss."

She quickly pecks his lips, pulling back way too quick for his liking. "There. Can we go now?"

He rolls his eyes, grabbing her chin and tilling head head up as he leans down, capturing her lips in his.

Her hands almost automatically move to his curls, lightly tugging on his hair as they kiss.

Ricky pulls her closer to him, her back leaving the door and stumbling against Ricky's chest.

Which causes him to lose balance and stumble back, hitting his head in the process.

Eleanor brings her hand to her mouth to muffle her giggles.

Ricky rubs the back of his head as he watches her trying her hardest to not laugh. "I think I prefer the stairwell."


Eleanor frowns as she looks at the notification on her phone, informing her her phones almost dead.

With a sigh she drops her phone on her lap. "I'm so bored." The girl whines.

Ricky looks down at the girl pressed into his side. "You have been saying that, like, every ten minutes."

"That's how bored I am." She looks up at him with pleading eyes. "How charged is your phone?"

He shakes his head. "Almost dead, so you're not going on my phone either."

She sighs. "I don't know how much longer I can stay in here!"

"Want to play another round?" Seb suggests, holding up the game they'd been playing for the past hour.

Everyone groans as answer, they can not play another round of that.

"Nope, thanks though, Sebby." She smiles at her blonde best friend.

"I'm starving." Ricky complains, leaning his head onto Ellie's which is leaned onto his shoulder.

"I think we all are." Eleanor tells him. "I would die for some pizza right now."

Ricky suddenly sits up, his eyes widden. "I swear I'm smelling pizza from Red's parents place."

"Ricky shut up." Kourtney groans. "Do not play with me right now."

"I'm not playing!" He exclaims. "I can recognize that smell from everywhere."

Eleanor sits up as she frowns. "I do smell pizza.."

And yep, Red walks in with pizza's, followed by Howie.

"Oh thank god!" Eleanor jumps up, just like the other hungry theatre kids and rush towards the pizza's.

"Wait," Eleanor looks up at Red. "Does this mean we're able to go home?"


They infact were able to go home, so currently the girl walks in her house, locking the door behind her.

"Get out!" She hears her mom yell. She softly walks towards the livingroom where the yelling is coming from.

"I just want to see Ellie, is that so wrong of me?" An male voice speaks up.

The girl her eyes widden, instantly recognizing the voice she hadn't heard in so long.

She walks towards the door leading towards the livingroom and peeks inside, and yep, there he is.

"She doesn't want to see you." Her mom crosses her arms. "So you ahould just le-"

Eleanor, lets her pressence known by interrupting her mom.


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