Chapter 2- Catching Up (Part 1)

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He suddenly takes my left hand and looks at it. "You still have that bracelet." He said while looking at the bracelet he gave me 10 years ago.

"Obviously I do. Look at you! You're so damn tall now!" I exclaimed happily with a huge smile on my face. He gives me a closed eye smile in return. "And you're so short." He jokes.

"Imayoshi-senpai, you know her?" Sakurai asked him after watching the two of us for a while. I turn around to look at him and smiled.

Suddenly Imayoshi puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to his side.

"We are childhood friends, Sakurai." He told him with a closed eye smile. "Yeah." I agreed as the bell rang signalling it was time for our classes.

"I'll see you in the break then, Eri-chan." Imayoshi says and then dashes off to his classroom.

"Wow, he hasn't changed at all. Anyway, Sakurai-kun, do you know where class 2-1 is?" I asked him.

"Y-yes, its straight and then right. Sumimasen I can't walk you there." He says as he bows his head a little.

"Its fine, thanks for the directions." I smiled at him and then started walking towards the class.

"You must be Hamasaki Eri, the new student. Everyone, welcome her and make her feel comfortable. I'm Amataka, your homeroom for this year. Please take any empty seat you find."

Amataka- sensei says and I muttered a small thank you and searched for a empty seat. I saw an empty seat near the window next to a blonde guy.

I sat down and put my bag behind my back.

'Maybe I should greet him.'

I thought and turned around to face the blonde guy. "Hi, I'm Hamasaki Eri." I introduced myself as I extended my hand. He turned his head and looked at me.

"I'm Wakamatsu Kosuke." He said and shook my hand.

The teacher then started teaching history, the most boring subject for me, and from the looks of it, Wakamatsu's too.

"What club are you in?" I asked him as I got bored of listening to the teacher. "Basketball club." He replied. "That's cool." I exclaimed.

Personally, I really like playing basketball and since Shoi-kun is my best friend, he has taught me the basics too.

"You like basketball?" He asked me curiously. "Yeah, my best friend taught me the basics when I was 5 years."

I told him and this started our conversation about basketball and soon enough, we became good friends considering we both liked basketball and video games as well.

'Is Shoi-kun in basketball club as well?'

I thought to myself as the bell rang, and now it was lunch time.

"Do you wanna come with me to eat lunch with my friends?" Wakamatsu asked me.

"No, its fine. I prefer eating alone." I told him with smile. Almost everyone left the classroom as soon as the bell rang.

"Eri-chan, you didn't tell me you were in this class." Someone interrupted us and sat on the seat in front of me.

"You didn't ask me, Shoi-kun. Not my fault." I told him as I took out my lunch box and placed it on my desk.

"C-captain! You know her?" Wakamatsu asked him. "Woah, you're the captain of your basketball club? Impressive Shoi-kun." I exclaimed.

Honestly, I know that he would be the captain considering his leadership and basketball skills.

"Yes Wakamatsu, Eri-chan is my childhood best friend." He told Wakamatsu with his closed eye smile.

'Does he ever opens his eyes?'

I thought to myself. "I see. I have to go now. Bye Hamasaki-san. Bye captain." He said and walked out the classroom. "Wakamatsu is a cool person." I blurted out.

"He's a noisy center." He said while eating from my lunch box. "Hey! Eat your own lunch, not mine!"

I scolded him and snatched my lunch box and put it on my lap while eating the meal inside of it.

"Come on, don't say that. Sharing is caring right Eri-chan" He said while trying to reach for my lunch but I kept swatting his hand away.

"You've become mean, Eri-chan." He complained. "Really Shoi-kun? I've become mean? Aw, its not that." I said and placed my lunch box back on my desk and he started to eat from it as well.

"When did you come back?" He asked after eating for a while. "Yesterday afternoon." I told him as I continued eating.

"I won't be able to walk you home, I've got basketball practice." He said. "Its fine, I'm not a little kid anymore. I'll be fine on my own." I told him with a smile.

Soon, the break came to an end and he had to go back to his class.

'He's still the same, hasn't changed a bit.'

I thought as I put my lunch box in my bag and then I felt some presence around me. I looked up and saw 3 girls looking at me.

"Yes? Do you need anything?" I asked then politely. "Do you know Imayoshi-senpai!?"

A brunette asked me while blushing. "Yes. Why?" I asked them. "Really? You're so lucky!" The other brunette whined.

'His admirers, huh?'

"You three like him, right?" I said and they looked at me in shock. "Okay, you do like him. Don't worry, we are just childhood friends."

I told them and they sighed in relief.

'Woah, I had almost made some people hate me.'

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