Chapter 8- Confrontation (Part 1)

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Its Friday now. It has been 2 days since I told Shoichi about my 'incident' with Haruka and now it feels better that I'm not hiding anything from Shoichi now.

The last bell of the day interrupted my thoughts.

"Finally." I said out loud as I put my things back into my bag. Shoichi said he will come and walk me home since he doesn't have practice today.

I took my bag and walked out the classroom and waited at the door of the room for about 5 minutes when I saw him coming towards my classroom.

"Let's go!" I said as I started walking out of the school with him by my side.

"How was your day?" I asked him after some minutes of silence. It was not normal for him to be this awfully quiet with me.

"Good. And yours?" He asked me.

"Same I guess." I replied and smiled at him.

My phone suddenly beeped notifying me of a new message. I took out my phone and saw it was from Haruka.

"Who's it from?" Shoichi asked me as soon as I took out my phone.

"Haruka." I said bitterly.

"What does it say?"

I opened the message:

Haruka: Tell that four eyed boyfriend of yours that he shouldn't get too close to my property ;)

"Ugh!" I said with irritation. "Eri, What does it say?" Shoichi asked me as he grabbed my shoulders and made me look at him.

I sighed. "Tell that four eyed boyfriend of yours that he shouldn't get too close to my property with a wink." I told him with my eyes closed.

"That bastard!" He said with an annoying tone as his grip tightened on my shoulders.

"Calm down. Shoi-kun! Calm down! He can't do anything, I will be fine. Don't worry." I assured him despite the sligh pain I was feeling in my shoulders because of his slightly tight grip.

"He btter not try anything." He said as he let go of my shoulders. "He won't. Chill Shoi-kun." I told him with a smile on my face.

He gave me his closed eye smile in return. "Let's go then?" I suggested. "Yeah." He nodded and we started walking back to our houses.

"Shoi-kun! I want ice cream!" I grabbed his arm and pointed to the ice cream parlor which was on the next street.

"Okay okay, chocolate as usual?" He asked me with a smile as we walked towards the parlor.

"Yes! You still remember it! Yayy~! I'm happy!" I exclaimed happily as he gave the order. I found a bench nearby and sat on it while waiting for him.

"Here's your chocolate." He gave me my chocolate ice cream in a cone and I started eating it happily. He sat down beside me and started eating his ice cream as well.

"Do you plan on joining any clubs?" He asked me. "What clubs are there that I can join?" I asked him.

He sighed before replying. "Basketball club, but we already have a manager. There's swimming club, photography club, journalist club, music club, writing clu-" "Writing club?!" I asked him with excitement.

"Yes, the writing club. For joining you'll have to give them a sample of your writing. You can give it to them in the break on Monday and if you want, I'll go with you." He suggested.

"Really? Thank you Shoi-kun!" I exclaimed while hugging him and at the same time saving my ice cream cone from getting destroyed.

"Careful Eri-chan, I don't want my ice cream getting destroyed." He joked as he hugged me back.

I pulled away and then finished the rest of my ice cream cone. I saw that he has already finished his cone too.

"Let's go now." He said as he stood up. I stood up as well and started walking with him.

My phone beeped again.

"What's it now?" He asked as we stopped walking. I shook my head and took out my phone and saw an unread message.

Haruka: Amy baby, how about we sort everything out tomorrow? ;) What say? Come meet me in the park near your school tomorrow at 6 pm. I might continue stalking you if you won't. Choose carefully ;)

I dropped my phone after reading it and stood frozen on the ground.

"Eri?" Shoichi was confused with my sudden actions. He picked my phone and read the message. His facial expression changed from worried to angry.

"You won't go." He said as he looked at me. "But what if-" "Nothing will happen." He said with seriousness in his voice.

"He said he'll continue stalking me if I won't! I have to go!" I told him as my hands started shaking. He must've noticed it because he grabbed my hands gently and opened his eyes.

"If you want to go, then I'll come." He told me. I looked at my feet while thinking of what to say. "O-okay. You'll be by my side always, right?" My eyes met his gaze and gave him a sad smile.

"Of course, you're my best friend." He said as he pulled me in for a tight hug. I hugged him back and closed my eyes.

"I'll always be there, Eri. Always." He comforted me. "I know." I replied in a low voice as I smiled in his arms.

A/N- First of all, to those who are reading my story, a big hug to you all~! Thank you for readingSecondly, check out my other fanfictions as well ^.^

I'm writing Bleach and Kuroko No Basuke fanfictions!


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