Chapter 16- Confession (Part 2)

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I closed my eyes and took another deep breath.

"I love you, Shoi-kun."

1 second.

2 second.

3 second.

'Why is he not saying anything? He doesn't like me, right? I'm sure of it.'

I frowned slightly and tried to open my eyes, but before I could open my eyes,

I felt his hands on my cheeks and his lips pressing on to mine. "Wahhh." I gasped as I opened my eyes in shock.

His eyes were closed and he was focused on kissing me.

He pulled away in few seconds and smirked at me, while I was looking at him in shock with a deep blush on my face.

"Glad to know you return my feelings." He caressed my left cheek with his right hand while his other arm was around my waist, pulling me close to him.

"Wha-" he cut off by kissing me once again.

This time, I wasn't in shock so I closed my eyes and kissed him back while putting my hands on his shoulders.

I felt him smirk in the kiss as he licked my bottom lip for entrance, which I granted almost immediately.

We soon pulled away after some minutes of making out with each other.

He was still smirking while looking at me and I was still blushing while looking at him.

"You thought I don't feel the same way about you?" He asked me with his eyes closed as usual.

"U-um k-kinda." I spoke out while looking at the wall behind him.

He chuckled and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.

"Seriously Eri? You really thought that I don't return your feelings? I love you, Eri." He said while smiling at me, not smirking.

"I love you too, Shoi-kun." I confessed while smiling as well.

"Be my girlfriend." He asked me, well, more like stated. I nodded at him while smiling, as he let go of my chin.

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me in a hug. I hugged him back as I rested my head on his chest with my eyes closed.

We stayed like that for what seemed like hours, but in reality were only 5 minutes.

Then we pulled away from each other and he stared at me with his closed eye smirk. After a minute, it got weird as he continued to stare at me.

"W-why a-are y-yo-you s-staring at me l-like t-that?" I stuttered as I looked away with a dark blush on my face.

He grabbed my chin and made me look at him with a blush on my face.

"Why shouldn't I stare? You are too beautiful, I just can't help but to stare at you." I'm sure if people could die of embarrassment, then I would be so dead right now.

My blush worsened because of his words and the way he said them so casually. I mean, how can someone say things like that so casually?

Apparently, he can.

"S-shut u-up." I said and looked away while his hand was still grabbing my chin.

"You're easily embarrassed, Eri-chan. You're too cute." He said and was successful in making me blush harder than before, once again.

He can always make me like this, embarrassed, just because he said some few words.

"Anyways." He started and I looked back at him. He released my chin and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers slowly.

"Since we are dating, do you want to go on a date tomorrow?" He asked me as I held my breath for a second as he said those words.

"Y-yeah, o-okay." I stuttered once again.

'Damn it, Eri. Stop stuttering so much in front of him.' I scolded myself.

"You don't have to be so nervous around me. Seriously, you're being too nervous around your own boyfriend." He said with a chuckle at the end.

He says to not be nervous but then makes me nervous himself.

Damn him.

"I'm not nervous!" I exclaimed and removed my hand from his hold then crossed my hands over my chest.

He said nothing for a few seconds but then leaned in and gave me a quick, deep kiss before pulling away and walking to who knows where.

Leaving me here, all flustered.

"And Eri, be ready tomorrow by 10 am." I heard him say as he walked out.

I sighed deeply and closed my eyes, trying to digest everything that happened today.

I confessed and he kissed me. Then he asked me out. Then he made me blush a lot. Then he asked me out on a date. When did I get so lucky?

I smiled to myself as I processed everything.

A/N- Imayoshi is OOC :| forgive me people for making him OOC~! Anyways, how are you all? ^_^ I hope you all are great and having good days in school/college/work/home ^~^

Apparently, I have 3 tests in one week in the first week of august with a school function in that week xD lol xD so I might not be able to update in that week :3

Unlucky me (,)

Haha, who cares? I have wattpad <3


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