Chapter 22- I'll Save You!

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3rd Person's POV

Just as Amy Stevenson went unconscious, the guy with black hair and dark blue eyes smirked to himself and carried her to his car.

"You're mine now, Amy baby.."

He smirked once again and started driving in the direction of his bungalow.


On the other hand, Imayoshi Shoichi just got out of practice and was with Yushinori Susa, walking home.

"So Amy has gone home already?'' Yoshinori asked him as they walked.

"Yeah. She would be home by now, since her classes ended an hour ago." He smiled his closed eye smile but on the inside, he was worried because even he was getting a feeling that something had happened to her, but he didnt let his thoughts get to him.

The third-years walked and soon Imayoshi's home came and he went inside while Yoshinori walked to his house.

Imayoshi went to his room to change but didnt see anyone on his way.

He figured that his mom must've gone somewhere while Amy would've been in her room.

After changing, he walked to Amy's room and went inside to find that nobody was there.

"Amy, are you there?" He knocked on the bathroom door and asked with a frown on his face.

He didn't get a reply so he opened the door and saw no one there as well.

He couldn't help but feel worried about Amy, since she's the one the captain loves.

He hurriedly took out his phone from his pocket and called on her phone.

"Pick up the phone, Amy....." He walked around the house to search for a clue but didnt find any, and much to his disappointment, Amy wasn't picking up her phone which only made him more worried than he already was.

He ended the unanswered call and called Momoi to see if she knows anything about her.

"Ah Momoi, did Amy tell you anything?"

"Huh? No, she didn't. Why?"

"Nothing. She's not home yet and not answering her phone so I thought she must've told you something."

"Oh..... Oh wait! Aomine-kun told me that she was looking at the roof door with her face kind of scared and Aomine-kun thought that someone must be following her so he came to the practice in the morning!"

Imayoshi suddenly got really angry as he heard her say that as his hands curled up and he thought that there was only one person who could do this.

"Oh? Okay."

"Tell me if you need something!"

He ended the call and then called his teammates to see if they know anything about her since they're kind of close to her.

In the end, he didnt got anything which would've led him to know where she is.

He sighed and sat on the couch with his head in his hands.

"Come back, Amy...."

His thoughts were all negative and the only thing he wanted to do right now was to kill the person who had kidnapped her.

Suddenly, his phone started to ring.

He took out cell phone and saw that the person who was calling him was saved as Amy.

He picked up his phone in hurry and put it next to his ear.

"Hello, Amy?"

He heard a male voice chuckling on the other side of the call and he instantly knew that it wasn't Amy, but his kidnapper calling him.

"What's the hurry, four eyes? Worried about Amy baby, huh?"

"You better had not done anything to her or else youll regret it!"

Imayoshi had raised his voice a little in anger and because his suspicions of who kidnapped Amy were true as well.

"Oh yeah? Like you're in any position to talk!"

"What do you want with her?"

"Want? Hahaha! I want her, nothing less but maybe more! Hahaha!"

His crazy laughter was making Imayoshi angry to no end, that he literally wanted to go on the other side of the phone and kill that guy.

"And just so you know. I am going to take her back to America tomorrow in my private jet which will be here by tomorrow, 8 Pm. If you can save her by then, then she's your, four eyes!"

The kidnapper ended the call as he looked back to see Amy tied to a chair and blind folded as well. In short, totally helpless.

"Amy baby, he won't be here, and you'll be mine!" He whispered to her and started laughing like there's no tomorrow.

Amy's face scrunch up in disgust as tears poured from her eyes.

'Shoi-kun, I believe in you. I love you, Shoi-kun.'

She could only hope that her Shoi-kun will save her before it's too late.

Imayoshi called his teammates to let them know about Amy's situation and told them about his plan to save her.

"Amy, I'll save you and Jake, you'll regret everything you did to her...." Imayoshi promised himself as his face got more serious than before.

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