Chapter 21- No!

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I put my hair in a high ponytail with my bangs left loose and fixed my uniform and then took my bag and walked out the room.

"Morning Eri." Shoi-kun greeted me as I walked towards the door.

"Morning." I smiled at him and we started walking towards school earlier than usual because the basketball club has practice in the morning as well as the afternoon today.

I stayed silent for sometime, except for when he asked me something, to which I replied with one or two words mostly.

Honestly, I don't know why but I was getting a feeling that something bad was about to happen.

Suddenly, he stopped walking, making me stop as well.

I looked up to see his eyes and saw he was looking at me with worry in his eyes, which were slightly open at the moment.

"What's scaring you?" He asked with seriousness in his voice.

Wait, how does he know that I'm scared?

"W-why do you ask?" I responded back. He sighed and grabbed my hands which were joined together the whole time.

"'Cause you always join your hand either when you're in trouble or scared." He said as he brought my hands to his face and kissed the back of it.

"Tell me what's on your mind." He said and I bit my lower lip, because I don't really know what it is.

"I don't know, I just have a feeling that something bad is going to happen." I looked down at my feet as I subconsciously joined my hands again.

He put his hand beneath my chin and made me face him.

"Nothing's gonna happen to you." He said and smiled at me. It wasn't a creepy one, but a genuine one instead.

I couldn't help but smile at his words.

"I know but wh-Mmf!" He cut me off as he covered my mouth with his lips.

He soon pulled away from the kiss.

"It won't." He said once again as he grabbed my hand and started walking towards the school again.

I squeezed his hand a little and smiled at him.

We soon reached the school and went to gym for his practice.

"Ah! Eri-senpai! You're here as well!" Momoi exclaimed as soon as she saw me entering the gym with Shoi-kun.

"Yeah. Its nice to see you again!" I smiled at her and walked towards her as Shoi-kun went to the court to practice.

I looked around and saw everyone, but Aomine practice.

"Aomine is skipping again, huh?" I laughed a little while asking this.

"Yeah! Can you please call him here? He's probably at the roof as usual."

"Yeah, sure." I walked out the gym and inside the main building.

I was walking towards the stairs when I heard some footsteps.

I instantly turned around and saw someone hiding behind the lockers.

That person looked familiar as well.

'Don't tell me.....' I started panicking and ran up the stairs hurriedly, just to get out of that person's sight.

I was panting when I reached where Aomine was lying, still facing in the direction of the door, as I thought that the person might come here as well.

"Oi! Why are here?" I turned around and saw Aomine was standing in front of me.

"Me? Oh! Momoi said that you have to come to the practice now." I told him.

"Tch. Tell her I wo-" he stopped midway and looked at me, then at the door and back at me.

"Tell her what?" I asked him and he looked at me once again and sighed.

"Nothing. I'm coming." He started walking out the door as soon as he said that.

"Are you coming or not?" He looked back at me and I nodded while catching up with him.

We went back to gym fast and this time, I didnt see anyone stalking us.

'Was it because Aomine was with me?...' I shrugged my shoulders at the thought.

~~~~~~TimeSkip To End Of The School~~~~~~

I sighed while walking the gates of Touou.

I was walking home alone since Shoi-kun has practice and I didnt wanted to stay in the school any longer.

I was walking peacefully but stopped when I heard footsteps behind me again.

I turned around only to be greeted by someone putting a handkerchief on my mouth.

"Hmmf!" My screams were muffled by the hanky as I struggled to get free.

I kicked around but the person had a tight grip around me.

My vision started to fade soon and I passed out after hearing him say the words.

"I'm back, Eri baby...."

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